Chapter Twenty Two - Recovery

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They were released from the hospital at the same time, much to Rains relief as he has not let his sister leave his sight.  They made up a story of a car accident to explain there injuries to their parents.  

Rains parents asked Rain if he wanted them to come home to look after them, but Rain explained that Phayu would be looking after him and Aurora.  They were delighted that Rain and Phayu managed to work though their issue and reconnect.  Rain's mother especially happy, she really loved having Phayu as a son-in-law, she knew he loved her son. 

Aurora parents panicked when they saw her face, she was talking to them on facetime in English so only Rain and Pai could understand the rapid conversation.  

"Mum you really don't have to worry, its just a few bumps" She was getting frustrated at the fussing, "Anyway, Rain is the soft one as he broke an arm, look at me" She waved her her arms about "Look two working arms!" This made her dad laugh, "Still competing with you brother!" Even her mum showed a little smile.  At that moment Saifah walked in with yet more flowers and quietly sat by the bed, this is when Aurora made a bold decision.  She pulled Saifah in to frame, "Mum, dad I think it is time to introduce you to my boyfriend" she said smiling, "BOYFRIEND!" her dad shouted 

Rain and Pai just started to laugh and the non-English speakers just looked confused.  

"He is still learning English, so you need to speak in Thai" Aurora explained, poor Saifah had to sit and talk to his future in laws and have a grilling he was not prepared for.  After the call ended, he looked looked like he had been put through the mill.  

"They like you" Aurora said, he looked at her though narrowed eyes, "Your lucky your hurt, or I be thinking up other ways to punish you" he said threatened. They all laughed.

On the drive back to the house Phayu drove slowly as he did not want to bump the two in the back wounds.  "Dude, you can go faster than this, we wont brake" came a complaint from the backseat.  "Aurora your ribs are still sore, we have to take care of them" .  Rain just laughed.

Saifah was waiting for welcome them at home.  When they pulled up, Saifah was waiting.  He lifted Aurora out of the car but she was staring at the stop where Nia had attacked them.  Saifah saw a flicker of fear cross her eyes. 

"You safe now" he whispered in her ear, she turned her head, kissed his cheek and smiled.  Phayu helped Rain walk around the car and Rain also looked at the spot where they were attacked, he gave a little shudder and Phayu squeezed his shoulders in comfort. Rain smiled at him, they then heard a shout from Aurora, "No, put me down now, I can walk!".

"Nope no can do" Saifah said as he walked though the gate and up the path, "You are my delicate Sun-drop, I have to look after you"  "Please let me have some dignity and walk" she pleaded.  Rain and Phayu smiled as they walked behind them. "Nope, you need to stay were you are" Saifah told Aurora.

"I have never seen him this protective" Rain said, "Me neither" said Phayu, "She is special"

"Very special" Rain agreed dryly, they cuddled into one another as they walked the up the path.

They walked in to the house to find that the twins had decorated it with balloon.  "oh how pretty!" Aurora squealed, Rain walking in with his mouth open and then gave a massive smile.  "You like?" Phayu asked, Rain looked at him with tears in his eyes and nodded. 
They got settled into their room, Saifah had gave up his room to Aurora and was sleeping in the small spare room next door.  Rain, of course, was with Phayu.  The first night the twins had asked all their friends to give Aurora and Rain a chance to settle in before they visited.

All four where cuddled up on the sofa, they had just had dinner and decided to watch a movie together.  Aroura still had to take some tables to stop any infection taking hold as her feet were still open to infection, so Rain was in charge of making sure she tool them on time.  She could be a bit of a baby and would sulk when told to take them.  The movie finished and they were talking about the romantic plot-line.  "I like the pet name part" said Aurora, "the names they were coming up with were funny", Rain agreed, suddenly his alarm went off to remind him that Aroura had to take her tablets.  "Oh I left them upstairs this morning" He jumped up, "Let me go get them" Phayu offered to go get them, but Rain said that he wanted to stretch his legs and he quickly moved up the stairs. 

Aurora looked at Saifah, "I call you 'love', do you like that or do you want one like in the movie?" she teased him.  Saifah rubbed his nose into Aurora's, "I like it when you call me 'my love', in English, its cute"  Aurora smiled, "You have not really come up with a pet name for me" she pouted. 

So Saifah pretended to think, "Well, I know Rain and your parents call you Sunny, so I don't wanna use that", Aurora was surprised, "You don't?" she asked, "No I want one use that I just for me"  Phayu smiled at their small talk, "You can't have Darling, as that is what I call Rain" He told them.  "In that case, I will go for Goddess" 

"Goddess!!" Aurora asked in surprise, "Its a bit much".

"Nope because you are my Sun Goddess, you light up my life" Saifah laughed as Aurora went bright red.  "Oh that is cheesy" Phayu laughed, "I am sticking to Trouble" He smiled at Aurora, "Then I am sticking my pet name for you, Arsehole!" Aurora stuck out her tongue

"What's Rain's pet name for you Bro" Saifah asked, Phayu shifted in his seat, "Don't have one" 

Aurora burst out laughing, "Oh yes you do"  Phayu looked at her in a panicked way, "No I really don't" he argued,  Saifah looked at his brother, "Bro are you hiding something from me?" "No" Phayu denied quickly.  

Aurora got up to walk to the kitchen to get her water, "I am sure you don't" she said to Phayu and he started to relaxed.  That is until Aurora lent down as she passed him and whispered in his ear, "Daddy!"

At that moment Rain walked down the stairs and met Phayu's accusing eyes, "What happen?" he asked.  "We are having a chat later!!!" Phayu said as his face turned red as Saifah started at him looking a little shocked,

Poor Rain, he was in trouble that night!

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