Chapter Twenty Four - Walking in to the Future

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How fast time fly's when your happy and in love.  Final exams were over and the students were looking forward to a nice brake until their last year starts.  Everyone was making plans for a get away and were happily talking about it, except one person.  Rain has now dyed his hair black, he still wore it long as Phayu like to play with it, he sat to the side of the group with a little sadness in his eyes.  

To be honest he was upset and a little angry with his boyfriend.  Rain had paid for a trip just for him and Phayu.  He had balanced a part time job and his demanding studies to earn enough money to take his beloved away. He wanted to treat Phayu to this trip as he had worked so hard to win a contract and was now the lead on the project.  Rain could not be prouder, but, and this is a big but - Phayu had announced that he had to go away on a business trip and it was at the same date as the trip that Rain had surprised him with two weeks before.  What upset Rain is that is seemed that Phayu did not seem to remember the trip, and when Rain tried to gently remind him, Phayu was dismissive or changed the subject to the project again.  

Then this morning Rain finally had enough and blew up at Phayu.

"P'Phayu!, you have completely forgotten haven't you" a distressed Rain said as he watched his Boyfriend pack for his business trip.

"Sorry Rain, What did you say?" Phayu was distracted with packing clothes and stopping to read emails from time to time.

"What do you mean, 'what did I say?" Rain was getting angry at Phayu, he was so dismissive of Rains distress

"Rain, I have not got time to play, tell me why your having a tantrum" signed Phayu

"Tantrum?" Rain asked, his mouth opened and his eyes filled with tears, "Go fuck yourself P'Phayu" and with that he walked to the door, "Don't call me or text, not that you will - this project is more important"

"Rain" P'Phayu said in a warning tone, "Don't 'Rain me" yell Rain, "I'm glad your going on this trip, as you will be far away from me, I don't wanna be near you"  With that he ran out of the house.  Later he received a text from Sky saying that they are all meeting up for lunch.  

Rain decided to go so he could be distracted.  But all his friends where excitedly talking about their trips.

"You and P'Phayu are leaving tomorrow as well?" asked Ple, Rain quickly smiled and agreed that they were, he did not want to worry his friends.  Luckily they were all wrapped up in their own plans, that they did not really take time to really look at Rains real emotions.  He said good bye and decided to return to his own apartment.  He looked at his phone, only one message from Phayu telling his that they will talk when he returns.  He tried to cancel the hotel but there were no refunds.  Upset, he facetimed Matt, as he could not confide with Sky or Aurora as they would hunt P'Phayu down.  Rain wanted his to recognise on his own how much he had hurt him.

"Look Rain, the hotel and flights are booked, just go by yourself" Matt encouraged, "Work is work and in the excitement on this new project he may have simply forgot." Rain was silent "Also mate, you could have spoken up before hand and let him know why you was upset.  Its too late now as there is nothing that can be done." Rain signed, "Your right" he acknowledged.

"Look sometimes couples need some time apart, look at me and Paul.  Paul is away this weekend with his friends, and I am going to be at home sitting in my underwear, drinking beer and watching my football - like a real slob!" Matt smiled, "Go on, have some me time!" 

After talking to Matt, Rain decided to go on the trip by himself.  He was still sad as he had really been looking forward to this time with Phayu and had all sorts of plans ready.  He signed as he stepped off the flight.  Kho Sumi was beautiful, even in the early evening.  In the taxi he watched as the sun was just about dipping under the ocean.   He arrived at the resort, only to find that his room was flooded, at first he was upset, "Perfect, this just figures" he thought sadly.  

The manager came over and apologised to him and offered him an upgrade, to their villa on the ocean front.  This made Rain smile, finally something good had happened and he made his way to the villa he breathed in the sea air and really appreciated the beauty of the resort.  He decided that he was not going to let his bad mood ruin this, he was even going to turn off his phone and relax before the brutal fifth year started.

He found his villa and opened the door, he left his suitcase in the hallway and then stopped.  The room was beautiful, there were candles and roses everywhere.  Fairy lights had decorated the bed, the door to the pool was open and he stepped though, the pool had floating candles and rose petals in it.  White balloons were everywhere.  Rain had a massive smile on his face and wondered if the hotel had made a mistake in upgrading him to this room.  He looked towards the sea and his eyes widen, "P'Phayu?" he asked in surprised, what was his boyfriend doing here, he had a business trip.  Rain was confused.

Phayu smiled as he watched Rain walked though the door, he had a beautiful smile and then the look of shock when he saw him standing there, made the last couple of weeks planning worth it.

Phayu was dressed all in white, and he had red roses in his hand.  He walked over to Rain and asked, "Surprised??", Rain just smiled and hugged him.  They stayed like that for a while, then Phayu gently pushed Rain back and handed his the roses, Rain looked at him, his questioning look changed to surprise when Phayu went down on one knee and held out a ring box.  In it was a simple band covered in diamonds, twisted in a lovers knot.  Rain looked at the box and then looked at Phayu.

"Rain, you are the love of my life.  You are my everything.  I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, my cute little nong who held an umbrella over me while I changed your tire. I knew even then that you were the one for me , in this life and every other life.  I was so desperate for your attention that I sabotaged your car, just so I could talk to you.  Our love story is full of ups and downs, heartaches and forgiveness - but its my favourite story.  I want to create our next chapter, Rain, my darling, my everything - Will you marry me?"

Rain's eyes filled with tears during Phayu heartfelt speech, and they fell when he asked that all important question.  

"Yes, a thousand times yes" he answered, Phayu smiled and jumped up and put the ring on Rain's finger.  He pulled Rains face closer to his, "I love you" he said and kissed Rain deeply, his own tears spilling down his face.

They hugged, laughed and kissed.  They sat down on the on the lovers bench and Rain was looking at the ring on his finger and then looked up to the look around him.  "How?" he asked Phayu. He listened to the story of how all his friends, including Matt and Paull, had hatched this plan for Phayu's proposal.  Everyone had their part to play in making sure that Rain made it to the island.  Even the hotel employees were in on the plan, Rain laughed and then kissed Phayu, "Thank you, I was so sad thinking you had forgotten our trip, but this is perfect" Rain was so happy.  He threw himself in Phayu's arms and kissed him to show how much he loved him.

After a while, Phayu's phone rung.  He pulled away and signed, Rain looked confused.  "I have to answer this, unless you want this placed stormed!"  Rain tilted his head as Phayu answered the phone, "Yes, Trouble" he answered, Rain laughed and knew that his sister was clearly tired of waiting for the outcome.  Phayu smiled as he looked at Rain, "He said 'Yes'" he confirmed to the caller. 

"Wooo Hoooo, he said yes!" Phayu and Rain heard the yell from the beach.  Rain laughed with happiness as a little way down the beach was his sister and friends.  They were all jumping up and down with excitement. 

"They invited themselves" Phayu said as he back hugged his beloved.  They watched as the group came running up from the beach.  There were tears, hugs and a lot a back slaps for a relived looking Phayu.  They all settled down and P'Pai opened the champagne he had brought. 

The happy group of six, sat there and happily talked about the future, while drinking their drinks.    

Phayu smiled at Rain and kissed his head, He was finally at peace with his Rain by his side.  It was true you know, You can't have Storm with out Rain.

The End 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, I really loved the LITA series. I fell in love with the characters that MAMA created and the actors brought to life.  They inspired me to write this fanficion.

I am thinking about added a couple of special chapters to this - let me know what you think and what would you like to be in the special chapters - If I were to write some.

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