Chapter Fourteen - Funday

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Sunday Date

Once again the brothers found themselves standing outside of Aurora and Rains apartment building. They all had a good day with their friends yesterday, after dinner they decided to grabbed a quite drink. Poor Aurora and Sky looked like they wanted to be ill and just stuck to soft drinks. They accepted the banter with good humour, Saifah doubled checked to see if Aurora still wanted to wonder around the town with him, Aurora happily agreed. Phayu watched Rains reaction to his brother's flirting with Aurora. He thought "Big Brother" Rain was cute, but he decided to have another word with his brother about rules with Rain's sister. Even though they were not blood related, they were brother and sister in every sense of the word, Phayu shook his head and wondered why he did not see it before. When the friends called it a night, Phayu was a little put out that Rain was sending him home. "I told you P" He said "We are dating, we are not Boyfriend's!" Phayu pretended to sulk and teased Rain while he walked home, "Let me stay" He begged "It will be just a PG sleepover" But his pleading fell on deaf ears, Rain firmly told him to go home. This was new, Rain standing firm with Phayu.

"Rain has the upper hand" Saifah whispered to Aurora, "I have never seen my brother beg". Aurora smiled, she was still holding Saifah's arm, she tugged it and he looked down at her, "Do you think he will manage the 30 days" she asked with a twinkle in her eye, Saifah smiled back and confidently said "When it comes down to anything Rain related, my brother will not lose, not now". This gave Aurora some comfort, she liked Saifah, he was straightforward with what he thought. She liked his sense of humour and his easy going nature, maybe it was because Rain spoke of him often, but she felt at ease with him. Looking at the two twins, she preferred Saifah short hair, but would like for the beard to go! His face was too handsome to hide. She tripped over her own feet. Why am thinking like that, she thought, He is a friend that's it". Saifah checked to see if she was ok, after tripping and then carried on their small talk. They all parted with a hug, even though Phayu did try is luck with a kiss. Rain just ducked and walked in the building without a backwards glance. Phayu just smiled, he loved this stronger Rain.

So walking into the building, Phayu was going to spend the day with Rain and Saifah was taking Aurora out, in the car Phayu had laid down the law with the date with Aurora. "Remember Saifah, this is Rain's sister so she will be my future sister in law", Saifah looked at his brother "Its just a trip around the town!" he said "and Sister-in-law? Your confidence is up again after being rejected last night!" Phayu glanced over at this twin, "I am never letting him go again, I have a second chance, Saifah I am not screwing this up"

Saifah got off at Aurora floor while Phayu made his way to Rain's floor. He frowned as he pressed the bell twice and there was no response. Suddenly the door flew open and Rain said, "Hurry", he raced back into the apartment and out on the patio. He was peeking over the banister, Phayu was confused to Rains behaviour, "What are you doing?" he asked "Shhhh!" Rain was still watching the street below, then he ducked as his two targets came into view. He watched what direction they went in and then dragged Phayu, down the stairs and out of the building. Phayu was delighted as Rain was holding his hand and dragging him along, He figured out that Rain was chasing the couple ahead. "Rain, why are we doing this?" he asked, "I have to make sure your brothers intentions are honourable" Rain whispered back.

"I have already had a talk with him Rain, He knows not to cross any lines" Phayu responded. This was not how he wanted this day to go, he had a planned to quietly seduce Rain and have him putty in his hands, but instead he finds himself trailing around his brother on a date. He sighed and this made Rain frown at him, "Talk, my arse" he told Phayu, "I know how you brothers are!" Phayu raised his eyebrows, "I think I have just been insulted!" he said, but his carried on following Rain, on and off the boats. This is not going to end well he thought, as they moved through yet another temple.

Aurora had already spotted Rain trailing her, she alerted Saifah to this fact and they both decided to have fun with it. They ran all over Bangkok making sure that they were still being followed by staying just in front of their brothers. Until they decided to lose them by hiding, and letting their brothers over take them, and then turned the tables as they followed them at a safe distance. "Phayu does not look happy" Aurora said, she could not hide her smile at his displeasure. Saifah could not remember the last time he had laughed so much, he felt like a naughty kid. This date was turning out was turning out to be one of the best. It was fun and entertaining, it also help that his date was drop dead gorgeous and so easy going. "I think he had a different idea on how this day was going to go" he told her.

They were on the upper walk way, watching their brothers below and it seemed that Rain was telling Phayu off. "I still have mixed feelings about them getting back together" She confided in Saifah, "I am not even sure why I am telling you this, you are his twin, but if we had meet in that first month, I think I may have killed your brother". Saifah looked at Aurora, "It was not easy for him either" he told her, "I am not excusing his behaviour" he said quickly as she opened her mouth to disagree. Saifah signed, "It was such a mess, I could not believe what had happened." He turned and leaned back on the rails, "They were so in love, I mean, real love" He sighed as he remembered the past, "I knew that Phayu was struggling with work and Rain needed to concentrate on his studies, but I could not foresee that it would have such an impact on their relationship, it seemed so solid"

Saifah looked at Aurora, she was listening to him, her blue eyes so open to his story, "Those photos broke my brother, to this day I don't know why he just did not talk to Rain, but the next thing I know is that our house had been pulled apart, Sky was not talking to Phayu and Rain had just vanished" He turned back to look at their brothers, Phayu looked like his was trying to calm Rain down. "I watched my brother go mad, tearing the world apart trying to find him" Saifah got a bit tearful, "and when he could not find him, I had to watch my brother tear himself apart"

Aurora was quite, then she said, "I had to hold Rain while he sobbed and when he was not crying he was drinking, he turning into such a cold nasty monster - he said awful things and wished death on himself" Saifah seemed shocked at this, "That exactly how Phayu reacted"

"Luckily we had two friends, Paul and Matt, they were mentors of sorts, and helped Rain become the man you see today, they also helped me - they were a god send" Aurora admitted, "We are still friends, I hope you get to meet them as we have invited them to visit"

"Are they the two on that video?" Saifah asked, "Yep" she confirmed, "I will forever be in their debt, they saved my brother". Saifah felt a twang of jealousy, he quickly shook it off and asked, "Are you against Rain and Phayu being together?

Aurora smiled, "No, its what he wants - but he is just making Phayu prove his commitment to him" She giggled "And I am loving his no sex during dating rule" "Oh that will be hard on my brother" Saifah laughed "When they were together the first time, they were always at it. Sometimes I dreaded coming home!" Aurora burst out laughing, this caught Rains attention and he looked up. "Oi! We have been spotted!!" Saifah said, catching his brothers eyes "Run!" He grabbed Aurora's hand and pulled her though the crowed. They were both laughing until their sides hurt.

They slowed down when they though they where safe, Saifah was pleased when Aurora kept hold of his hand. They walked by the river, still laughing at their antics during the day, "I must admit this was not the day I had planned" Saifah admitted "But I like it more" Aurora smiled her agreement. They walked in silence for a while, just enjoying each others company. "Should we call and meet them for dinner?" Aurora asked, "Yeah, but lets keep them hanging on for a little while" Showing his phone to Aurora, 15 missed calls from Rain and 10 missed calls from Phayu. "I want to see which one reaches 20 first" They both laughed, and continued their walk, hand in hand. They knew that they were in trouble, but that is half the fun.

It was a fun Sunday, Aurora was now ready for the run up to the start of the academic year and for whatever this year held for her as she looked down at their hands.

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