Chapter Twenty Three - Moments In Time

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I was sitting by the pool, I had a slight smile on my face.  Giggling at my poor brothers reaction to finding out that I had told Phayu I knew his pet name.  I had to remind Phayu, be to gentle with my brother as he was still injured.  I let a little giggle out when the next day Phayu was teased by Pai and Saifah, poor man looked like he wanted to throw hands.  But in the end he took it in good humour and grace.  He truly loved Rain.  

I looked towards the pool and watched Phayu, Rain, Sky and P'Pai playing in the pool.  Rain and Sky were on their boyfriends backs and where trying to pull each other off.  I am watching Rains face and saw the joy and other happy emotions that were missing the year he was with me in London.  Here is were he belonged, with Phayu.  

I thought back to over a year ago and thought about everything that had happened to us.

I was waiting at London Heathrow with a sign with my brothers name, I was so excited but as he walked though the gate my smile slipped.  My brother was broken and as soon as he saw me he fell in my arms.   He did not cry, he was just shaking.

Taking him home to our home.  Cuddling him for days, finally getting the whole story out of him.  His eyes with no emotion in them, apart from when he got drunk, then you saw the rage, confusion and upset.  Having him pull himself apart and missing the person who broke him.  Then there were my own feelings of rage and hatred towards Phayu, my anger and wanting to destroy him.  Then Rain finding a way to heal with the help of Paul and Matt.  In reality, they helped us both.  

I remember not waiting Rain to come back to Thailand, worried that all the good work would be undone.  Rain's confidence in himself as he was supporting our fathers project.  

Watching Rain settling in and starting to reconnect with his friends. Then my first meeting with the his friends and seeing Phayu for the first time and unleashing my all my resentment.  Then running away as I saw the same anger looking straight back at me.  

The fun times I have spent with my new friends, and the shock of seeing Rain with Phayu.  Watching Phayu faithfully following all of Rains rules and moving heaven and earth to win him back.  You would have had to been made of stone not to be moved to not be moved by the devotion he held staying true to his task and Rain.

Then there was myself, I fell in love again after writing it out of my life.  What a twist that my love ended up being Phayu's twin, Saifah.  Being so happy but not knowing that my happiness would be threatened. 

Then there was those moments when I realised that there were missing parts to their brake up and then becoming that Psycho's target again.  The fear at being kidnapped, fighting just to live and him admitting that his was at the centre of my brothers heartache, the anger I felt - it was this feeling that gave me the courage to escape.  The feeling the relief when I was rescued and that Rain and myself were ok.  

What a ride!  I was so lost in the past I did not see Saifah approach me, he put his arms around me.  I turned to see his smiling face. "You are deep in thought" he commented, "Just thinking about the past".  His arms tightened around me and I knew he was thinking about the kidnapping.  He still feels guilty that it happened right under his nose.  I lean forward and gently kiss his lips, "I am thankful for all the good and bad things that happen, as everything as led me here" I tell him, looking deeply in his eyes, "And right here is where I want to be".  He takes my hand and kisses it, "I love you, my Goddess" he tells me as he looks into my eyes.  I smile and reply, "I guess me too".  He grabbed me and tickled me until I whisper in his ear"I love you too, my love" in English of course!


I managed to pull Sky off P'Pai back and I laughed with delight.   My handsome boyfriend pulls me to his front so we are hugging.  We stay like that for a while, looking into each others eyes.  I then hear Sunny laugh and I look over to see P'Fah ticking her.  She whispered something in his and his stopped and pulled her on his lap to cuddle her.  She had a look of contentment on her face.

I was so happy she found her happiness, her love. After that crazy son of a bitch and her prick of an ex, I did not think that she would ever be open to love again.  What a twist of fate that her love ended up being my boyfriends brother!

My sister, my Sunny, she has been my life long friend, protector and confidant.  Those first weeks in London, I put her threw so much as I tried to deal with my break up.  I still remember being drunk and taking my rage out on her.  I remember pushing her, pulling her hair and screaming all my anger in her face.  She took it all, with tears in those big blue eyes and still managed to hold me and tell me things would get better.  I will spend my life making it up to her.  

I smile at P'Fah holding her face and raining kissed all over it.  You can here her yelling, "I'm English, we don't do this kind of affection!" "Tough your in Thailand now, and I do this!" P'Fah yelled back and continued to kiss her. I laugh as I knew she had clearly met her match.  I rest my chin on Phayu shoulder and close my eyes.  "Are you happy, Rain?" Phayu askes, "Yes, I have never been this happy" I tell him.  We just float in each others arms, this is heaven. 

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