Chapter Twenty - Thunder and Lightening

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Aurora slowly opened her eyes,  Her head was hurting, but not through a great night out with friends.   She recalled seeing Rain on the floor, blood all over his head and holding his arm.  She could feel tears start to gather in her eyes.   No! she can't be weak, this is what this Pick wants.  She is not giving him that, she slowly looked around the room as she did not want to give away the fact she was awake.  The room was dark, it looked like blinds were put across the windows.  Her arms were tied to the bed and her feet were also tired, she had a rag in her mouth, drying it out.  The room was small, maybe a bedroom? She could hear someone the other side of the door.  She kept her eyes half closed, she was still wearing her clothes, and she still had her jacket on, she breathed a sigh of relief, this was her special jacket. It gave her hope that she be able to get herself out of this.  Suddenly the door handle started to turn, she quickly closed her eyes.  

Nai entered the room, his princess was still sleeping.  He put the food next to the bed, "Princess, its time to eat"  Aurora stayed as still as she could, kept her breathing as normal as she could. "Princess? why are you not waking up" Nai sounded desperate, "You should have woken up by now".

He tried to shake her shoulders but still nothing.  "I have to go to out for a bit but I be back as soon as I can".  He left the room.  But still Aurora laid still not daring to move. She then heard another door open and close, but again she stayed still but only silence met her ears did she think about moving.  OK, I think it is safe, she thought.  She started to assess the knots that bonded her hands and feet.  She realised, to her frustration, that they can't be undo on her own.  Come on you know this Prick, don't show your fear, think what can you use against him.  

She had formulated a bit of a plan but she needed more information to know if it will work.  She started thinking about Rain, "oh brother, please be ok" she thought. 


 Rain was in a hospital room, he had his arm plastered up and and stiches in his head.  But he could not be settled.  "Have you found her yet?" He asked Pai as he entered the room.  Pai slowly shook his head.  Rain was beside himself.  Sky was trying to keep him calm, "Rain, stop getting worked up, this wont help Aurora" 

Outside, the room P'Chai, Phayu and Saifah were looking at the CCTV footage of one of the camera's again,  You saw the abductor smash the light and then hide.  Ten minutes later you see Rain pull up in the car, as he got out, the abductor jumped out of the shadows and hit him square in the head, he goes to swing again but rain puts his arm up and the bar connects with his arm and not head,  he goes for the third swing and you see Aurora push him away and he stumbles, Aurora turns her back on him to help Rain, but the abductor recovers quickly and grabs her and places something over her mouth, her body slumps, as he passes he kicks Rain's arm as Rain tries to stop him.  Then you see Rain pull himself up and drags himself towards the house.   

Phayu is angry, "I will kill him", but his anger can't compare to Saifah, he can't over the fact that this happened under their noses.  He punched the wall in frustration. P'Chai could feel the desperation and anger coming off these two people he considered friends.  "Listen, we have his number plate and soon we will know everything about him"

"its been almost 24 hours" Saifah cried, "Where is she?" He broke down and started to cry.  His brother patted his back, "We will get her back" he promised

Saifah wiped his face and they all entered Rain's room.  Rain looked so small in his bed and he looked so hopeful at Phayu, but all Phayu could do was to cuddle him.  Rain started to cry, "I was not strong enough to save her".  No one could comfort him.  

Phayu phone rung, it was his work. "Phayu, I know you are off today but I have news for you, I found out who was sabotaging our projects, its Nai Korawish, he has only been with us for 18 months or so."

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