Chapter Three - There you are!

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While Rain was talking to Sky, when Aurora decided to use the bathroom. But what she was not expecting was to share it with a massive spider. Now, Aurora was normally fearless but when it comes down to spiders and clowns, she was a total wimp. When she saw this black thing in the shower she screamed and ran to Rain.

"OMG!! OMG!!! SPIDER! GET RID OF IT, GET RID OF IT NOW" She was now jumping on the sofa. "RAIN, PLEASE MAKE IT GO AWAY!" Rain ended his call and laughed as he removed the little spider that had sent his best friend into such a mess.

Sunday was busy as they had a meeting with the organisers to run through the ceremony for Monday. They just about managed to grab dinner before falling into their own beds into a deep sleep.

Before you could blink the night of the opening ceremony has arrived. Rain and Aurora were backstage waiting for their role to play in this circus!

At the front of the stage, Rain's friends had gathered and managed to get all on the same table. Even Saifah was sitting with them. He should have been sitting with the Business Facility but he managed to pull some strings so he could be with his twin.

"Did Rain call you?" Sid asked Sky, "No he didn't, but I am guessing it was because he was tired" Sky answered. Sid looked at Phayu and he judged that it would be better to be better if he did not ask.

The ceremony had no expense spared, the idea behind the project was explained and how it would be put in practice. Surprising, the benefactors were not mentioned during the main speech. The Principle then announced that the children of the people behind the project were the ambassadors and that they would be presenting a speech on their fathers and themselves behalf.

"So please put your hands together and welcome Miss Aurora Louise Church and Mr Rain Tangwai" The Principle stepped back and clapped towards the left hand part of the stage.

"Rain??" They all looked at one another, there was a titter of Rain's name from the people who knew him. Phayu gripped the table and had his eyes glued to the stage.

Rain and Aurora smiled at each other as Rain offered his arm. Both took a deep breath and walked up the steps to the stage. They walked up to the Principle and politely greeted him, Rain lead Aurora to the stand. To outsiders they looked like the perfect couple.

The cameras focused on them both and projected their image on the big screen. Aurora looked stunning, she was a true English Rose. White skin and pink lips, with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes - like the deep ocean. She was in a simple black floor length gown. Her hair was left undone and it reached her waist.

"WOW" said Saifah "She is beautiful", Phayu had his eyes fixed on Rain. Rain's hair was now blonde and it was also long. It was platted back. He was dressed in a tux but the design showed off his slim figure and small waist. He looked perfect. He could hear everyone around him, complementing on how gorgeous Rain looked and the feeling of possessiveness came over him. He wanted to storm the stage and kidnap Rain and lock him in his room, so he can never leave him again. But he had no right and had to sit there and not react - it was killing him.

Aurora presented her speech first in English and then in Thai. She praised the hard work of those involved with the project and how she was proud to not only be the ambassador for the facility but to be one of the first students to attend. She then went on to say that she would be finishing her business degree here and she hope to make new and wonderful friends. Her voice was soft and cheerful and she received a loud round of applause when she finished. She step aside to let Rain take centre stage.

He smiled and first presented his speech in Thai and then English, he echoed his praises for all those involved in the project and the two people behind the vision. He then went on to say that his would be completing his studies here and that he would be retuning to his old facility. He also received a big round of applause. He could hear a few people shout, "Welcome back Rain!" and "We missed you!" Rain and Aurora look at each other and smiled. On the big screen they looked nothing less than perfect and you could see the real affection they held for each other.

They then walked to the right had of the stage and disappeared from sight. As hard as Phayu looked, his boy disappeared from his view again.

"I never knew Rain spoke English so well" Som said "Did anyone know that?" the question was threw out to the group

"He always got top marks in English, but I never really heard him talk in English" Sky supplied this bit of information. P'Pai was impressed "I wish I knew, I would of like to keep on top on my English" Phayu did not say anything, he thought back to the times when he heard Rain talking on the phone late at night. He never really paid attention as when Rain parents were away they spoke at odd hours. Now that he was thinking about it, He is sure that he heard Rain talk in English from time to time. He then remembered Rain saying once he had family in the UK.

He told the table this and it jogged their memories of small conversation they had with Rain. "If that is the case, its not surprising he can speak it so well" commented Sig.

The group had to wait for another 30 minutes until the presentations were over and that it was now time to have fun.

"Shall we try and find Rain?" asked Ple "Should we, or should we let him find us?" Som responded.

"I want to find him" Phayu said standing up. "Hold on brother" Saifah stepped in to stop his brother overstepping. "You have too much feeling for this, you don't know how Rain feels - we need a plan"

Phayu grunted his annoyance. But knew his twin was right. The group decided to go the the gardens. They were there relaxing and keeping an eye out for Rain. "This is frustrating, why not just call him" said P'Pai

Phayu agreed with his friend. He was filled with so much tension, I just want to see him he thought, this is unbearable! He is so close! I want to see him, touch him.........

Sky was about to talk to the group when he saw the girl that was with Rain looking around - looking lost. "Look, there is that girl, what is her name again?" Sky ask

"Aurora" answered Saifah, watching the girl slowly making her way towards their group.

"This is our chance" said Sig, and before anyone could stop him, he called out to the girl

"Excuse me are you ok? You look lost?"

Aurora turned to the sound of the voice, she recognised the group at once. She had seen photos and had talks with Rain about each and everyone standing before. She kept her face friendly and answered honestly,

"Good evening" she greeted everyone polity "I am super lost! I was trying to find my way to the buffet when I was blocked by a few people who were a little too friendly" She pointed behind her and continued her story, "I kind of made an excuse and run away - problem is I don't know my way around yet and now I cant find my way back to my table". She then smiled, showing her deep dimples, "My Rain always tells me that my lack of direction will end with me in trouble"

She felt being a bit mischievous and wanted to piss Rain's Ex off. It worked and she was subjected to a death stare. "WOW, too far already!" she thought.

She decided she did not want to play, so she turned to Sky and tilted her head slightly and gave him one of her best smiles, and then she shocked the group by saying

"Hello Sky, I have been dying to meet Rain's best friend" and she held her hand out.

Everyone just looked at her, and poor Sky looked dumb folded but he slowly took her hand.

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