Chapter Eleven - The Talk

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For a while they both just stared at each over, they both knew how important this talk was going to be.

"I still love you, P'Phayu" Rain started, "But I am scared to trust you again" Phayu had mixed feelings about that sentence. But he stayed quite, Rain had the floor, "That night, It was the first time I felt real fear, I was so frightened of you" Rain looked down at his coffee, "I tried to explain to you so many times, you threw me around, you cut me off but you did not listen to me, you had already decided that I had cheated on you. You told me to get out of our home, said you had no trust" Rain looked at Phayu with tears flowing down his face, "You called me a whore, P'Phayu!!". With that Rain covered his face and cried.

Phayu just sat there and he had tears rolling down his face, the shame he felt at that moment had no limits, He put his coffee down and put his head in his hands. "I am so sorry, Rain" he sobbed, "I was drunk, I know it is not an excuse, but I was drunk and hurt" He rubbed his face and looked at Rain. "I will never be able to make that up to you", "What happened to you that day, P'Phayu?" Rain asked, "What turned you in to that monster?".

Phayu got up and walked to the patio doors, and looked out. "It had been a shit week" he started, "Nothing was going right, the client was sending confusing messages, wrong paperwork was sent, the revised plans disappeared, the wrong supplies appeared - really expensive mistakes" He signed and ran his hands threw his hair.

"Then I got called in at the weekend, I was pissed as I had not seen you in three weeks due to work and your studies, I had the day from hell, yet again, and was glad to leave" Phayu sat back on the sofa, he looked at Rain, who was just listening to him, "When I got home there was an envelope taped to the gate, it had my name on it. I brought it in the house and then opened it up and photos of you fell out. It was of you kissing some redhead, sitting on his lap, laughing. I saw red, the photos where time stamped with the date, so I checked my phoned and realised that you had not contacted me all day. So I sent a text asking who you was with, it took you a while to text back, but you said - 'I am with Sky', I thought you lying to me. I just grabbed a bottle and started to drink. The more I drunk, the more I looked at the photos, the angrier I became." He got up and kneeled in front of Rain, "Then a co worker called and asked who the the cute red head my boyfriend was cuddling, I just ended the call and sat in the dark and drunk myself stupid. Rain I remember everything I said to you, everything I done - its unforgiveable" Phayu admitted, "But please believe me, as soon as I realised what I had done, I tore Bangkok apart trying to find you, I tired to call your parents but there numbers had changed"

They stared at each other again, Finally Rain spoke, "I told my parents to change their number and to delete yours. I was in such a state that they agreed. I was so emotional that I just reacted, and ran away from our problem" He got out of his chair and sat in front of Phayu, "I was a coward, I was too frightened to face you, I was scared that even sober you would still feel the same" Rain burst into tears again. They just looked at each other, not really knowing what to do.

Finally Phayu spoke, "This is all my doing Rain, if I could go back in time I would" He crawled closer to Rain, "I would of done everything different, please don't cry, this is my doing" He begged. Rain shook his head, he then held Phayu's hand, "If I could go back in time, I would of had the guts to stay and face you" he whispered.

"Rain, I know that you never cheated on me" Phayu took a steading breath, "Please forgive me for being so stupid, forgive the hurtful words, forgive me for everything" Rain started to cry again

Phayu pulled them both to their feet and his cupped Rains tear soaked face, "Forgive Me, Please" he asked. "I will prove to you that I can be trusted with your heart again"

Rain closed his eyes, he loved Phayu, He went over everything they had spoken about. He knew Phayu regretted everything and wanted the chance to prove himself, Rain had to be honest with himself, he did want to give Phayu that chance. He knew that Phayu was the only person for him. This is the first step.

He brought his hands to Phayu's face and brought their faces close, "I forgive you Phayu" he said, "Do you forgive me, for running away, for being a coward?" Rain asked.

Phayu wrapped his arms around Rain, "Yes, I will forgive you anything!" They stayed like that for a while. Just being with each other, these two soul mates just breathing each other in.

Phayu pulled back and brushed all Rains tears away, he slowly brought his lips closer to Rain's.

"I love you so much Rain" He whispered against his lips "Thank you for forgiving me" He gently kissed Rains lips and then rested his forehead on Rains, and wrapped his arms around Rain. They both stood there with their eyes closed, just holding each other. "Would you be my boyfriend again, Rain?" Phayu asked.

Rain tipped his head back and looked at Phayu, "We need to go back to the beginning" Rain said. Phayu looked at him not really understanding him, Rain smiled. "I am not the Rain of a year again, P'Phayu and I am sure that this year has changed you too" Phayu smiled, and pushed a bit of Rains hair away from his face, "What do you suggest?" he asked

"Lets date" Rain said, the twinkle in his eyes was back, "I will give you 30 days to win me over" Phayu threw his head back and laughed - remembering the challenge he gave to Rain all those years ago, "Ah so you want a "do-over"" he said, "Ok, I will purse you, we will get to know each other again and I will make you trust me again"

"Oh, you sound confident!" Rain teased, "Well you are the prize" Phayu responded, smiling, "And I promise you I will win" "I wish you luck" Rain told him, "But I don't think its going to as easy as you think, remember - no naughty stuff allowed until the result are in"

"Oi, I was hoping your forget that part!" Phayu cheekily said looking Rain up and down, his eyes giving away what he was thinking. "Well, you will have to forfeit the challenge if you do" Rain laid down the rules of engagement. "ok,ok - give me a list of do's and don't" Phayu reluctantly agreed. Rain smiled and they hugged each other again. They were so into their own world, they did not hear Rain's front door open and then shut. The next thing they heard a shocked voice say;

"What in hell is going on??"

They both jumped and saw Aurora standing in the hallway, one hand holding her head, the other hand pointing at them - her face mixed between, confusion, surprise and concern.

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