Chapter Seven - Brother? Sister? WTF?

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Phayu saw Rain as soon as they walked in the outside area. He looked happy and comfortable, "Am I the only one feeling anxious about this?" He wondered, "Are you ok, Phayu?" Pai asked, he was worried about his friend, He knew that his friend was desperate to see Rain. He was worried that his feelings will run away with him and he would screw up his chance with mending things with Rain. The feeling got worse when he spotted the blonde girl, he heard Phayu take a sharp breath in and knew that he had spotted her too.

"What is she doing here?" Phayu asked, his irritation clear.

"Keep your cool" Pai warned him as they walked up to the group. Sky spotted his boyfriend and cried out his name, making all the group look up. Phayu only had eyes for one person, Rain, and when he looked up Phayu could not tear his eyes away from his. Those big beautiful brown soft eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

Pai watched all this unfold and decided he needed help, he knew that he would not be able to control Phayu on his own and he needed help, he texted an "SOS" message to the only person who could control Phayu. He got a reply, "be there in 10".

Aurora looked at Phayu and then Rain, she needed to stop this, "Rain!" she said loudly, startling her brother so he turned his head to her, "Hummm?" he asked, his eyes showed the daze he was in, "We have to get another round in, remember your still under punishment from your friends" "Oh right" he shook his head and got up, "Same again?" he asked the group, "They smiled and raised their glasses. Rain turned to Pai and Phayu, "What would you like to drink?"

They both asked for a soft drink, due to one driving and the other not wanting to chance alcohol. Rain and Aurora left to get the drinks in. The group let out a breath, "P'Phayu, you need to keep control of yourself" Ple said, everyone nodded in agreement. Pai look at the retreating backs of Rain and Aurora, "So what is the deal with them too?" he asked out loud.

Sky answered him with "We can't decided. They care for each other and look after each other, so it makes you think that they are a couple" He glanced at Phayu as he said this, "But there is no sexual chemistry" Sig said "but a great deal of affection".

"I am so confused" admitted Sky, "we can't just ask them outright, I don't want to offend Rain - We just got him back" "Then just observe them for now" a new voice injected into the conversation, Pai turn with relief and saw that Saifah had arrived. "What are you doing here?" Phayu asked, "Was invited" was the reply.

Rain and Aurora came back with the drinks, "Saifah!" Rain said excitedly as he spotted him "Hey there Rainy Boy!" There was no holding back with Saifah, He walked straight over to Rain and picked him up, swinging him around. Rain laughed in delight. Phayu felt like he had been kicked in the stomach, he was jealous of his twin. He wanted to hug his Rain like that, its not fair his twin got to do that while he had to hold back. He looked towards the blonde expecting the same jealousy in her face, but he was shocked to see that she had a big smile and was clapping her hands in delight. He was confused and looked at Sky, he just shrugged as to say, I don't know either.

The group chatted and laughed, Rain managed to keep his heart under control, he could Phayu's eyes on him and he did what he could to calmly meet them and then slide away. He was feeling pretty please with himself. The temptation to throw himself at Phayu grew stronger, "God, Be strong" he warned himself. The drinks flowed and the atmosphere was happy and easy. Rain and Aroura's interactions where monitored by the group and discussed when they left to get drinks. Phayu felt miserable as he was sure that Rain could not be that comfortable with someone unless he loved them. He watched as Rain fixed a plate for the little blonde, he hated that Rain was looking after her.

By now it was late in the evening, and the ones that were drinking where happily feeling the effects of consuming so much alcohol. Sig had had enough of of the guessing game and thought, Fuck it! "Hey, you two" He got up and walked over to Rain and Aurora and threw his arms around their necks, "Are you a couple?" "Sig!!!!" He was dragged away by an embarrassed Som. Rain and Aurora just looked at each other, their faces looked shocked. Aurora then turned and questioned, "Do you all think that we are together?"

The friends looked uncomfortable and there was a couple of murmurs of agreement, Aurora looked at Rain again and they both burst out laughing. this confused the group, then through her laughter she asked, "Why would I date my brother??"

"BROTHER?!" They all looked at each other and then back to Rain and Aurora, "Yes, this is my little sister" Rain confirmed. They were met with stares and looks of disbelief! "But Rain, you are and only child" Sky said, wondering did Rains dad have an affair with a Foreigner? "Plus she does not look like you" said a very drunk Sig.

"What to you mean?" Aurora said all of a sudden looking very upset, she looked down at herself and then grabbed Rains hand and asked in a desperate and tearful voice" Brother, what does he mean I don't look like you? OMG, am I adopted????" She asked

The group was quite, Sky held on to Pai, the rest of the group looked shocked no one knew what to say. A sudden quietness fell over the group. "Rain, I am so sorry" a worried Sig started to say, but he was interrupted by Rain laughing and hitting his "sister" around the back of the head "Stop it Sunny" he commanded.

He looked at his friends worried faces and started to explain that, they considered each other as brother and sister as they grew up together, when he spoke of his family in England, he meant Aurora. The only reason they have not met her before was before 6 months before the start of university, Aurora's family had to move back to the UK.

"My little sister is quite the trickster at times" Rain looked affectionally at her, "Sunny, apologise - look at poor Sig, you have scared him!" Aurora was still giggling as she apologised.

They are not together, Phayu was relieved, his Rain was not with her. He watched as the two "siblings" laughed and slapped each other. A weight had lifted off his shoulders thanks to Sig, he will thank him later, now all that mattered was getting his Rain back.

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