Chapter One - I'm Home

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Two friends arrived at Bangkok Airport, the woman seemed to be overwhelmed and little confused, while that man walked with an air of confidence and ease.

"Watch yourself, honey" Rain said to Aurora as he guided her out of the busy terminal.

"Opps" Aurora giggled, as she almost got trampled on by tourists "Sorry!" She called after them

She gave a dimpled smile to her best friend and explained "I must still be on London time, feel a bit out of it!" Rain smiled back and asked, "Are you sure its not just because of your just clumsy?!" She threw her head back and laughed, "Yep! that too!" she agreed.

They made their way though the busy airport and found a taxi to take them to their new apartment block.

Rain and Aurora had grown up together, their mothers are best friends and the two families are close. Rain and Aurora regarded each other as siblings and it had broken their hearts when Aurora family had to move back to the UK a couple of years ago. The two families had business and friendship ties, and the two fathers had hoped that their children would fall in love and combined the two families, but they realised that all the children felt for each other was brotherly and sisterly love. They never pushed it.

For the last year, Rain had been in the UK with Aurora and her family, when their fathers had approached them to ask for a favour. The two men wanted to build educational ties between the English and Thai education systems. They approached Rains old university and Aurora's university with the project, witch was fully funded by both private and Government money. The International Education Facility at Rain's university was now complete and would be open the start of the academic year. The fathers wanted their children to be the ambassador of this project and also to finish their education in Thailand. Rain agreed as he owed so much to these two men, he loved them and wanted to support this much loved project. So all the paperwork had been sorted and a week later, they where on the plane to Thailand.

They arrived at the apartment building and both entered their own units. The movers had unpacked his stuff leaving only one small storage box that they left on the coffee table.

Rain put his clothes away and then unpacked the box, he saw his old phone. He turned in over in his hand, on the back was a old photo of him and Phayu. His eyes instantly filled with tears as it was the first time in a year he had seen his image. "I miss you" Rain whispered, he signed and then plugged the phone in to charge. He then showered and went to bed.

Aurora and Rain woke up in the late afternoon, Aurora came bounding into his home and demanded they go out and buy food. They had a slow walk back to their homes, then rain stopped and took his now changed photo out and took a photo of the area. They decided to crash at Rains home while they finished their speeches for the opening  ceremony. Rain needed a break and picked up his phone and scrolled though all the old messages that was sent after he left. He had tears in his eyes listening to all the voicemails. Aurora did not say much, she just watched the emotion play across her friends beautiful face. She got up and made them both a cup of mint tea. She placed it in front of Rain and he smiled his thanks. He sat for a while and then came to a decision.

"I am reactivating my media accounts" he told her, She nodded her head thoughtfully, "Is this how your going to announce your return?"

"Well, it will show people I am here and if they want to reach out......" Rain let the sentence tail off.

"Ok, Sweetie - I am always behind you" She gave him a thumbs up.

Rain uploaded the photo he took earlier, with a simple caption, "I'm Home"

He placed his phone down, and then let out a breath he did not know he was holding.

Suddenly his phone sprung to life, the vibrating almost sent it flying off the table.

Notifications, calls and texts were streaming through, but there was one name that made his heart ache, "💕P'Phayu"

Aurora held his hand, her blue eyes full of compassion, "who do you want to talk to first?" was all she asked.

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