Sonic Heroes Chapter One

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Dr. Robotnik, otherwise known as and forever doomed to Eggman, wiped the sweat off his forehead as he leaned against the large metal door in one of his many bases.

"That was quite the hassle...I never thought the latest of my E-100 series would go haywire like that..." he huffed. Eggman then dusted his hands off and trotted back to his desk, pondering his miscalculations. "Well, perhaps it's best if I let the E-Series go...and that last robot won't be getting out anytime soon, that's for sure."

He took one last look at the massive door- several important things were locked up in there under tight security. That room was meant for projects that were never to be seen by anyone but him...

Eggman took a comfortable seat in his main lab, sketching out some blueprints for a new android. It had been awhile (almost five months to be exact) since his last attempt at anything evil- thinking about it brought tons of memories flooding. Shadow...Space Colony ARK...his own was quite the tale. In the end, Eggman had realized his grandfather, whom he had looked up to and admired, had intentions that far surpassed simply "devious". Not even Eggman would want to utterly destroy a planet...

His last words to any member of the Sonic Heroes were to Tails, in their last conversation aboard the ARK. After he had explained what his dream once was to the young fox, Eggman turned heel and began to leave. Curious as always, Tails whirled around and asked him a final question.

"Where are you going?"

"Next time I'll pull this off without anyone's help! I'll use my own power to take over the world!"

But, despite that exchange, Eggman lacked the motivation to carry out any mad scheme he designed.

So nowadays, he spent his time doodling out ideas for robots, whether being some to help out a cause, or just some for pure entertainment. The schematics of his base even revealed a huge hidden fleet below even the lowest floors, though the doctor never had a reason for using it anymore...

Maybe he didn't. Someone, or something, else did.

Red eyes flickered to life, but had already caught the scene displayed before them: a fellow robot being thrown into that room against its will. It infuriated the creation, even if it was incapable of feeling emotions, and action was going to be taken.

Eggman was blissfully unaware of the rage building up in the droid, currently floating in an oversized test tube. He was caught up in a new idea for a robot, hoping to replace the E-Series robot that had betrayed him. Besides, it was about time he started up a new line...the E-Series had tons of flukes anyway.

"You will do as I say."

Eggman's head arose from the desk, terrified at the sound of a foreign voice. He glanced around- not another soul in sight...

But the was stone cold, hard as steel, and sharp enough to cut through diamond.

"Must be old age or something..." the doctor decided, quickly returning to work.

Then, shatter.

Glass flew in every direction, Eggman only knowing to take cover because of the explosive sound it had made. Daring to look up to see what had caused the shatter and what had broken in the first place, it was a quite a shock to him to see his prized creation, yet somewhat scrapped, standing among the pieces of glass scattered on the floor. Instead of his eyes being the green they were programmed to be, they bore a frightening shade of infra-red, resembling heat-seeking lasers.

"What do you think you are doing?" Eggman hissed, trying to hide the fact that his heart was beating way too fast for his liking. The robot simply took a step forward, grabbed the nearest chair, and chucked it at Eggman. The doctor dramatically hit the floor and rolled under his desk, luckily avoiding any glass. The artificial intelligence ignored Eggman for the moment, instead skimming across his doodles on paper. Right next to a stack of musings was Eggman's personal computer, a lot more convenient than the super computer on the other floor.

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