Sonic Heroes Chapter Fifthteen

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"This isn't just a jungle..." Rouge said with distaste, watching her step. "It's a swamp, with yucky, murky swamp water. It better not get on my outfit."

"We've got more important things to worry about than a stain on your ensemble," huffed Shadow, surveying the area. "How'd we get here? We just went deeper into the trees- there's gotta be a way out somewhere!"

"Keep heading north," Omega declared, taking the lead and firing through any obstacles that got in their way. Rouge refused to put a foot on the ground, resorting to flying just over the grass. Shadow said nothing on the matter and followed Omega, allowing the robot to fight his way through the jungle they were lost in...

. . .

"You sure it's safe around here?" Knuckles asked, noticing the darker atmosphere that this part of the forest had.

"Nope," Sonic replied instantly, already fighting off evil. "But there was nowhere else to go!"

He kicked his leg into the air, sending the robot before him flying upwards. It landed back on the ground with a devastating crash, all of its parts cascading into different directions. Tails walked up to a pile of the debris and picked up a metal shard.

"These robots are built from a tougher material than the ones before...they might be harder to take out," Tails explained.

"There's a flaw in every creation, no?" Sonic asked, spiraling in the air and kicking another Egg Pawn's head clean off. "As long as we know what it is, we can win every time!"

. . .

Amy continued to trudge through the forest, though the frogs became scarce and the trees much more abundant, slowly transforming the area into a jungle. She pushed several vines out of her way as the sounds coming from her teammates became quite prominent.

"I wonder if Froggy is in this jungle..." Bug mused, still holding one of the ones from Frog Forest.

"Hard to believe he wasn't in Frog Forest," Amy sighed, kicked aside a fallen fruit.

"Maybe that means Eggman really did take Froggy and Chocola," realized Cream, wringing her hands together. "And we have no idea where Eggman went..."

Amy stopped running, Big and Cream losing their voice in that instant.

"He's got to show up again," the pink hedgehog declared. Her gold bracelet banged against her wrist as it shook. "There's no way he gave up after his weapons were trashed...he has to have some sort of plan B, right?"

Cream nodded as Big watched a cloud go by.

"Plus...that was an Eggman robot. The real Eggman has to be somewhere, huh?"

"Yes," said Cream, watch Cheese hovered over her shoulder. "I just hope it isn't too late..."

. . .

"There are many Chao living in the jungle..."

"Coulda fooled me- all I've seen were frogs!" Vector shrugged, interrupting the client's diagnosis of the latest mission. Espio silenced him with a look and told the client to continue.

"Yes must protect the Chao from Eggman! Find and protect ten Chao!"

"Ten Chao? Sounds a little like the first mission he gave us with the crabs," Espio deduced, putting the communicator away. "Hopefully Charmy won't find extra and feel the need to hurl them at us!"

Charmy folded his arms and stuck up his nose. "You wouldn't listen to me! Karma, dude!"

"Whatever..." Espio started running along a log to the right side of the path. "Let's get to work."

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