Sonic Heroes Chapter Sixteen

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The Chaotix jumped down from their perch where they were watching the Chao and cut Team Rose off from their route. Vector was the one to speak, preparing to take a casual approach to this.

"Excuse me, Miss, I was wondering if we could ask you something."

"If it's about a date," Amy scoffed, waving her hand and turning away from them. "It'll have to wait!"

Formalities gone.

"A DATE? !" Vector roared, fire threatening to spew out of his mouth. "You think this is a joke, you little brat? !"

"Now, hand over that Chao, nice and easy," Espio demanded, pointing at Cream. Cream instinctively grabbed Cheese and pulled him away from Espio.

"I bet YOU'RE the ones who took Chocola Chao!" Cream shouted, suddenly becoming upset. "And now you want Cheese too!"

"WHAT?" howled Vector as Big took a threatening step forward.

"It's not nice to mess with my friends!" the cat purred dangerously, Vector noticing his fists balling up.

Charmy felted the tension building up and simply flew in the middle of everyone and screamed, "Yeah! Time to rock and roll!"

"Sorry, but we don't have time for this!" Amy declared, trying to walk away. However, Vector grabbed her and held her back. "Let me go! This is not how you treat a lady!"

"It's not nice to make fun of my friends..." Big growled, towering over Vector.

"Technically we weren't making fun of-" Espio started to say until Big grabbed both him and Vector and hurled them into the nearest tree. Espio's eyes rolled around several times until he jumped back to his feet and produced several ninja stars, all directed at Cream, who was clutching her Chao for dear life.

"Forgive me, but this is our duty," he said simply, throwing the weapon in the girl's direction. Cream genuinely surprised Espio by twirled her ears and flying quickly out of the way.

"I've already lost one Chao..." Cream whimpered, still holding Cheese tight. "And I'm not going to let you take another!"

"You Chao thief!" yelled Amy, hammer held high. She leapt behind Espio and whacked him in the side, but although stunned, Espio landed quite nicely. He gave an uncharacteristic sneer and threw himself back at Amy, who defended against his kicks and punches with her trademark weapon. "You mess with Cream, you mess with me twenty times over!"

As Amy raged on Espio, and Espio did his best to dodge her swings, Vector was going head to head with Big, who was actually quite the formidable opponent. They traded blows, one striking and the other blocking. Eventually Vector was forced to dart away from a serious looking uppercut as he stuck some gum in his mouth.

"I'd better not hear another gum pun, Vector," Espio warned, holding off Amy's hammer.

"I wasn't going to, but now this'll give him something to chew on," Vector grumbled in return, blowing bubbles in Big's direction. Big ran right into them, his legs rendered useless as they were stuck to the ground.

"Uh oh..." Big trailed, slowly looking up as Vector charged at him, fist revved back. The cat took quite a blow, one that was so hard that it freed him from the gum. Big rolled on the ground, Vector walking up to him with his hands raised apologetically in the air.

"We just wanted to ask you something," he began, shaking his head. "But your leader had to make things difficult."

"That gives you no reason to be mean to my friends!" Big shouted back.

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