Sonic Heroes Chapter Nine

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"See, this looks like fun!" Rouge exclaimed, dragging Team Dark into the blue-hued side of Casino Park. Rouge pulled Shadow and Omega to the edge of the entrance, which looked out over tons of swirling blue slides and Bingo games that were larger than life. Omega calculated how long it would take them to find Eggman while Shadow removed himself out of Rouge's grip and folded his arms.

"It's definitely better than the rest of Casino Park, I must admit," Shadow stated smoothly. "But don't forget Rouge, we have to focus on getting out of here."

"I know, I know," Rouge sighed, glanced down. "What's the rush?"

"Hmm...hard to say. The fact I have no memories, someone might beat us to the doctor, the lights giving me a killer headache-"

"Hmph, I can give you a reason as to why you need to rush, that's for sure..."

Shadow glanced at Rouge curiously, having his interest piqued. "Really? Give me one."

"Well," Rouge nervously scratched the back of her head. "Before you were trapped in that pod, I-"

"Eggman detected in a northwestern direction!" Omega suddenly blared out, turning his teammates in said direction. Shadow stared dully ahead while Rouge's expression looked like she had just eaten something sour. "We must ascertain that gelatinous man at the time of earliest convenience! Begin moving now!"

"...What did he say?"

"All I understood out of that was that he called the doctor fat."

. . .

"Here's your next mission," the client began to inform the Chaotix. "Eggman's hideout is located in the next block ahead of you, but you need chips to enter the hideout. Collect ten chips to gain access into the base."

"Chips? You mean potato chips?" Charmy asked hungrily. Vector smacked his forehead.

"Not those kinds of chips, silly!"

"Bingo chips, Charmy. They're everywhere," Espio added.

"Exactly," added the client. "The ones you will need to find will be slightly different though, but you'll know when you see them."

"Hey, one question," Vector began before the client hung up.

"Yes, yes, what is it?"

"Do we need disguises this time?"

"No, you can take them off now, I get to hunting!"

"Whew, thank goodness," Vector and Charmy claimed simultaneously, ripping their disguises right off.

"It was starting to get kinda hard to breathe in there!" Charmy admitted as he took in a breath.

Vector nodded in agreement, rubbing his nose. "Yeah, my mustache was getting a little itchy too."

"All right, let's get serious," Espio said as he started pacing. "If my memory of this place serves, then this place is literally scattered with chips. We'll have to be extra careful in searching for the correct ones."

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Vector stated, throwing his arm around Espio. "After all, we're detectives! We just gotta...detect the chips, right?"

Espio rolled his eyes. "Yes, Vector. Exactly."

"What did our client mean by "a block" though?" Charmy wondered. "Like, an actual block or like a street block or something?"

"I was wondering the same thing myself," Espio admitted, looking ahead. "I'm pretty sure our client meant somewhere in Bingo Highway, because why would the chips work somewhere not here?"

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