Sonic Heroes Chapter Seven

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"Gotcha, my darling Sonic!"

"Amy? !" Sonic gaped, sputtering out the words. "What're you doing here?"

Team Sonic and Team Rose were positioned on one side of the roof of the Power Plant, with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles looking stunned while Amy, Cream, and Big looked like they meant business- for once.

"Sonic, this time there's no way out of marrying me!" Amy declared, striking a pose and giving Sonic a flirty smile. Sonic returned the gesture with an intimate glare.

"Hmph, marriage? No. Way."

As he folded his arms to confirm his proposition, Amy just scoffed and shook her head. "Sonic, give up! This time you're mine."

"Amy, knock it off!" Sonic shouted, but no sooner had he said that did Amy pounce on him like he was prey. "There's no time to play!"

"Who said I'm playing?" Amy replied somewhat seriously, wrestling with Sonic until they both fell on the ground. "You're not getting up until you promise to marry me!"

And thus...a bunch of confused chaos ensued.

"Everybody- get out of the way!" Tails ordered, flying high above the others. "We don't have time to deal with you!"

"We just want our friends back!" exclaimed Big, pointing at Sonic. "I just want Froggy..."

"Are you playing with that girl's heart again, Sonic?" Knuckles teased meanwhile, sitting on a crate placed next to Sonic and Amy. He looked very amused at the situation; despite knowing just as well as the others did that there was no time to mess around. Sonic very briefly turned red before glowering at Knuckles.

"I'm not playing- I'm serious! Amy, get off of me before I accidentally hurt you!"

"I'm not falling for that, Sonic!" Amy retorted, not moving an inch. "As soon as I do you're going to make a break for it!"

"Fine- you asked for it!"

Sonic kicked out his leg, sending Amy flying across the rooftop. She was above the ground for a few precious seconds, looking utterly shocked, but eventually she brought her legs down and skid stylishly across the roof. The moment she pulled herself together, anger flashed across her face. She was back on her feet instantly, charging at Sonic like a bull as her hammer suddenly appeared in her hand.

"Knuckles, block her!" Sonic ordered, and said echidna jumped in front of Sonic and held his palms out. The front of Amy's hammer made hard contact with Knuckles' hands, but regardless he grabbed the top of the hammer and started to spin her around.

"Let me go, knucklehead! I need to get to Sonic!" Amy cried. "I refuse to let you stand in the way of our love!"

"Oh, can it," grunted Knuckles, releasing the hammer and sending Amy flying once again.

Meanwhile, Sonic was trying to make a quick escape, but he had another problem on his hands.

"Mister Sonic?" Cream's soft voice asked, tugging on the hedgehog's glove. Sonic winced as he looked down and acknowledged her.

"Yes, Cream?" he replied, trying hard not to yell at her. It certainly wasn't her fault Amy was hard-pressed to hunt down Sonic.

"Do you have Cheese's brother and Froggy with you? My team and I are looking desperately for them, and a photo we have says that you have them- see?"

Cream held up the photo, which Sonic took from her and looked over curiously. Sure enough, it looked like he was the one running away with Chocola and Froggy.

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