Sonic Heroes Chapter Twenty Three

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"Chaos data...has been copied..."

Amy, Cream, and Big approached the broken Eggman robot, not as surprised to see that it wasn't real than before. Even after the last battle all twelve heroes fought so valiantly in, it turned out that "Eggman" was still a fake. It lay in a puddle of silvery, unidentifiable goop...which Froggy and Chocola Chao emerged out of.

"FROGGY!" Big bellowed with uncontainable excitement, running over and cradling his precious pet in a heartfelt reunion perfect for the two of them. Cheese, meanwhile, instantly flew over and spun around in the air with his chocloate-colored brother, singing happily to themselves in celebration.

"I'm so glad for you, Cheese!" Cream laughed, clasping her hands together. Amy watched as her two friends celebrated joyfully- each of them had been reunited with their friends, and located what they sought out after. All the trouble, turmoil, and terror they had to plod through had finally been rewarded.

However, the same couldn't be said for her.

Amy realized that this was okay though- she had led these two through many dangers, brought them out of many problems, and got them to where they were now. They couldn't have done it without her, and that made her feel useful, for once in her life. She didn't even get kidnapped in the process!

They all started laughing, for no reason in particular- simply because they all felt happy and simply relieved. It had been a long three days, but the journey throughout was definitely worth it.

"Hey..." Cream suddenly trailed, cutting off the jovial laughter and pointing behind them. "Isn't that mister Sonic over there?"

Maybe Amy's goal would be realized after all...

The pink hedgehog instantly skidded in front of Cream, grinning like a fool and scanning the Final Fortress for her hero.

. . .

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles watched as each and every craft of the air fleet exploded, and the gang treated it as if it were celebratory fireworks of their victory. They didn't seem too worried about what would happen when the fortress would explode, though.

They were just satisfied that it was all finally just over.

"Boy, talk about cuttin' it close..." Knuckles huffed, shaking his head incredulously. With all their near death experiences and almost missing the dead line, it was most definitely cutting it close.

Sonic shot him down nonchalantly. "Eh, not really."

"Come on," Knuckles dared. "Tell me you weren't scared! If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have had a chance!"

"Well..." Sonic shuffled around, trying to think of a witty comeback, but gave up, shrugged, and simply went with the truth. "...maybe you're right. Thanks, Knuckles."

The look on Knuckles' face said he definitely wasn't expecting that.

"You too, Tails."

Tails just laughed lightly in response, rubbing the back of his head.

"Aha...gotcha, Sonic! SONIC!"

Team Sonic's friendship filled moment was interrupted by Amy Rose, who was charging right at the blue hedgehog with a plan in mind. Sonic, who had no plan at all but to run, sprinted off in a typical fashion and gave a salute to his friends.

"Later, guys! I'm outta here!"

Tails and Knuckles just looked on and chuckled as Sonic sped off, Amy zipping right between the duo and tracking after her hero.

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