Sonic Heroes Chapter Four

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"Looks like we did it, boys," Vector said to the other members of the Chaotix as they landed on the strip of road that encircled the Ocean Palace. "It looks like Sonic was too slow to beat out us!"

"Vector, I think you're going a little crazy with this," Espio stated while scratching his head.

"Yeah- we just got lucky!" protested Charmy. "Team Sonic's on their way as we speak, and at the speed they're going, they'll be here any second to take down Eggman!"


"SONIC! YOU CAN STOP ANY TIME NOW!" Knuckles and Tails chimed simultaneously. Finally, after they had been going at that speed for five straight minutes, which felt like an eternity to them, Sonic finally put on the breaks.

"C'mon guys, we haven't found Eggman yet!" exclaimed the hedgehog, his legs visibly itching to get moving again. "He's got to be lurking around here somewhere..."

"Ooog, I know you're eager to kick his butt," Tails muttered. "But I think we'd better wait for my internal organs to catch up with the rest of me..."

Knuckles just grabbed his stomach and moaned. However, during his moaning he glanced over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh, I wonder who that is..."

"What? Who do you see?" Sonic asked, suddenly becoming alert. Knuckles shrugged.

"Hard to tell. Big purple guy, tiny orange girl, and...I think that's a red and pink blur, but I-"

"Pink and red!" Sonic yelped, grabbing Knuckles and Tails and careening over the edge of the path. Knuckles grabbed onto the edge along with Sonic and started giving him quite an earful.

"What the heck are you thinking? ! We could've fallen in the water, and then you'd really be in trouble!"

"You can't be too careful when it comes to pink and red..."

"What's wrong with pink and red?" snapped Knuckles.

"Oh, I can think of eight reasons-"

"How long do we have to wait here?" complained Tails.

Back with the Chaotix-

"Oh, whatever Charmy," Vector scoffed. "We can trash Eggman's toy before he gets here, which'll show him there's another set of heroes in town, and they're the-"

"CHAOTIX!" cheered Charmy, dancing around.

Espio was about to respond to Vector and Charmy's zealous take on things when the sound of whirling turbines approached from behind. He turned around, only to get an eyeful of a flying machine swooping down towards his team. He instictely performed a backflip, the sudden notion catching the attention of Vector and Charmy.

"So, you're the ones who are playing games with my army!" Eggman bellowed, piloting the contraption known as the Egg Hawk. It resembled a hawk in a few aspects, but in general, it just seemed like Eggman was getting lazt with his creations.

Nevertheless, the Chaotic weren't about to take this lightly. However, Vector tried his best to play it cool.

"Sorry, just part of the job."

"That's the evil genius, Dr. Eggman?" Espio questioned as he prepared himself.

"...Dr. who?" Charmy asked airily, crazily bobbing his head back and forth. Vector and Espio took a well-deserved moment to turn and gawk at him.

"Yes..." Eggman mumbled. "Let me show you who I really am!"

The Egg Hawk rocketed forward, gliding through the air with surprising ease. The wings cut through the wind like knives as the doctor turned his invetion around to take aim at the team that dared to defy him.

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