Sonic Heroes Chapter Eleven

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Early in the morning, around the dawn of the second day, Team Sonic was making tracks far away from Bingo Highway, craving the head start they wanted against Eggman. It was good that they were already in the next zone, being a canyon, but they would to utilize all the time they were given.

"Tails! How much time is t?" Sonic asked, grinding his way down a rail in the appropriately named Rail Canyon.

"We've got until tomorrow night!" Tails responded.

"Tails! Knuckles! Give it all you got...full speed ahead!"

"Ok!" "Got it!"

The three of them boosted forward, ready to embrace the new day.

. . .

Team Dark was making their way into Rail Canyon as well, with Omega giving them a brief update.

"Eggman energy detected. Ground base up ahead."

"I wonder what the doctor really meant..." Rouge whispered to herself once again. That was all she was able to fret over on their way there, along with how Shadow was going to handle everything.

"We must capture him first. Let's go!" Shadow exclaimed, overhearing Rouge and picking up the pace on the rail he was grinding on. Unlike Rouge, he made it very clear that he did not want to talk about what Eggman had said.

Rouge gave a quick grin in agreement before somewhat solemnly riding after.

. . .

"Hmm...I smell Froggy," Big informed his team.

"Chocola!" chirped Cheese. Cream looked at her pet Chao and smiled.

"Cheese says Chocola is close!"

"All right! Let's go!" Amy exclaimed, jumping on the nearest rail and began grinding. Cream noticed a look of intense focus on her face, one that definitely wasn't there before.

"Wow, Amy," Cream began, daring to comment on her friend's demeanor. "You seem a lot more focused!"

"That's because I am," Amy replied. "I thought I could hold my own against Eggman...but in the end, I couldn't! I'm just lucky Sonic showed up at the last moment..."

"And after all the things he said..." Big trailed. "I knew Sonic wouldn't let us get hurt. After all, he did help me save Froggy the first time!"

"I didn't want to leave, but...I suppose it was for the best." Amy heaved a sigh. "Next time, though, I'm not giving up! That bloated egghead won't get away with treating us all like this! If he think he can push us around again, he is sadly mistaken!"


Thus, Team Rose rode their way into the sunrise, entering the deeper parts of Rail Canyon as well...

. . .

"This has gotta be Eggman's base..." Vector decided, his team also making their way down the rails.

"Security is tight around here, so watch your backs," Espio told everyone.

"Just the way we like it."

Charmy pumped his fists into the air. "Cool!"

"Alright, let me take point!" Espio offered, jetting forward and pulling out the communicator. "Okay, client, we're at Rail Station, on our way to Eggman's main place of operations. What's our next mission?"

"Infiltrate the terminal station located in the middle of the base. This is a difficult mission."

"Wait," Charmy began, just as the client's voice died off. "The entire canyon is Eggman's base?"

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