Sonic Heroes Chapter Eighteen

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"So, you have no idea why there's a castle and a mansion in these woods?" Espio questioned, trying to keep his cool during the conversation over the walkie talkie.

"Of course I do," replied the client, sounding insulted. "The mansion is actually located within the castle, and the castle has a wall that has a very large perimeter."

"That...hardly makes any sense, but whatever," Vector mumbled. "So anyway, what test of skill are we up for this time?"

"Listen carefully," began the client, Vector starting to push open the creaky doors. "You won't be able to escape this mysterious castle as long as the sixty red torches are burning. Extinguish all of the red torches, and you should be able to escape."

"We can escape, no problem!" Charmy explained. "All we have to do is go back through the front door and walk around, right?"

"What did that walkie talkie say?" Knuckles asked, just now entering with Tails. Team Dark and Team Rose had followed the Chaotix in almost instantly, and neither team had dared to make a move. Vector yelped as Espio fumbled with the walkie talkie. The chameleon succeeded in tucking it away, but had no idea to respond to the group of heroes standing behind him.

"Wh-wha...did you follow us here? !"

"Not really," scoffed Rouge. "This was the only way to get out of the woods."

"Basically we're all heading to the same destination, if I'm correct," Tails pointed out, nervously tugging on his gloves.

"Take a few steps back though..." Amy interrupted, holding up her hand. "Did or didn't the guy say that we couldn't escape until all the torches were put out?"

"Are we stuck in here, now? !" gasped Cream, already beginning to panic.

"Nonsense!" exclaimed Charmy. "Like I was saying, we can just go back out the front door if-"

"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" asked Sonic, flying through the doors and slamming them shut behind him. Nearly everyone joined in on a unified gasp, with Knuckles quickly beginning to struggle to open the door. When it refused to budge, Tails, Charmy, Cream, Amy, and Rouge noticeably looked panicked, Shadow and Espio glared at Sonic, and Knuckles, Big, Vector, and Omega pooled their strength and used it on the doors.

No luck.

"Sensors not needed to indicate that...this door is indeed locked," Omega announced. "Proceed with extermination of hedgehog at fault."

"Whoa, what?" Sonic yelped, holding up his hands as Omega raised his guns. "I didn't know the door was going to lock behind me! Get a grip!"

"Once again, this is Sonic's fault," grumbled Knuckles. "This is just like how you nearly killed us in the Power Plant by causing all that liquid energy to rise!"

"That was you?" shouted Shadow and Rouge, turning on Sonic with fists ready.

"Hold up, everyone," Espio stated, stepping in the middle of the commotion. "We, the Chaotix, will handle this personally. If you all so desire to get out of here as well, you can feel free to stick close as we put out all sixty-"

In that instant, Shadow bolted off, saying that he didn't have time for this and needed to find Eggman. His team followed obediently, with Team Sonic overhearing them and becoming determined to reach the end of the mansion first. Big absently-minded walked off, firmly believing that Froggy was hiding out somewhere, with Amy and Cream yelling at him to not wander off alone. Thus, Team Chaotix was left in the dust.

"...darn," Espio huffed. "I thought I sounded pretty assertive."

"Well, looks like we'd better get to work, boys!" declared Vector, following the rest of the teams deeper into the mansion...

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