Chapter 50: A Summary of Events

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We've made it guys. The big Chapter 50. If only it meant something.


The silence was deafening. It filled every corridor of every building like a surging wave as soon as the principal's three guests had left. He stepped out of his room and looked at a basket sitting on the edge of a small wooden table with metal legs. It had a few sheets of paper lying within it. Mephiles reached inside and withdrew the topmost sheet, looking it over. Like common household chores, he wanted to go ahead and knock these out before they started to stack up.

"Blaze," he called out.

Said mauve cat stepped out of a doorway and made her presence known. "Yes, Principal Mephiles?"

He walked over to his assistant and handed the stack of papers to her. He tapped the top of the page after he had passed it on.

"I need you to summon these people for me."

Blaze nodded. "All at once, or...?"

"One at a time. I don't want any of them knowing about the others' meetings." When Blaze looked worried, Mephiles narrowed his eyes at her. "Confidentiality is always my first priority."


When Scourge entered the cafeteria with the intention of getting something to eat to bring with him to his and Manic's eating spot outside in the courtyard, he couldn't help but notice the two sets of eyes watching him as he approached one of the lines.

"What are you guys staring at?" the king asked, tilting his head and stopping what he was doing. The two figures stepped out into the light.

"So you set Rosy free?" Amy asked, coming forward rather quickly. Sonic shot out in front of her in a flash of blue shortly afterwards, leaving a semi-transparent afterimage in his wake.

"Where were you yesterday?"

The questions were asked so quickly that Scourge didn't know what to say. Luckily, someone else answered for him.

"We were out saving the multiverse. What were you guys doing?"

Honest walked out from behind the wall behind Sonic and Amy.

"Wow, what a coincidence. The story's writer just so happens to show up to where all the action is happening," Scourge exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

Honest went to stand beside Scourge. "What? No! I followed you here because I've been wanting to talk to you all morning," Honest claimed.

"'Saving the multiverse'? How, exactly, did you achieve that?" Amy asked, genuinely interested.

"Well..." Honest started, trailing off as she thought of what to say. They didn't? They only sort of did? "We prevented it from getting any worse," Honest settled on saying. Then, suddenly, someone known to Scourge and Honest but unknown to Sonic and Amy appeared and walked through the middle of them, stopping in front of Honest.

"Which line is which? I heard they're serving something called 'Chun-nese'," the person asked in a monotonous tone.

"Which line is which? I heard they're serving something called 'Chun-nese'," the person asked in a monotonous tone

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