Dark Paradise

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In which a witch of legend and Niklaus Mikaelson's true love is awoken from a thousand year slumber.

Ellika Miakelson has been asleep for over a thousand years, cursed to remain in her unconscious state for eternity by the Original Witch, until one day she is awoken by Sophie Deveraux.

The New Orleans witch, along with the rest of her coven, wishes to use her as a bargaining chip to do what ever they please, but unfortunately for them, they severely underestimated who they were dealing with, and the lengths Ellika and her lover would go for each other.


I really like the idea that I've seen in lots of other books that Niklaus fell in loves with someone as a human but they were cursed to sleep for a hundred years or something (pack it up sleeping beauty) and woken up just in time, and thought maybe instead of scouring the entirety of the internet for a story that goes exactly how I want it to, I should just write one.

If you're anything like me then you love the Originals, but absolutely despise the pregnancy trope. (Its ok to like and dislike the idea of pregnancy and children both in books and in real life, everyone has their own opinion) I love Hope's character, and am not that attached to Haley but, I would like to clarify that neither of them are in my book as of right now, however it does follow the story line of The Originals quite well (with my own spin on it of course.)

Warnings: here may be some mature scenes but I will try to add a trigger warning. Feel free to tell me if one is needed somewhere I have missed.

 Violence, torture, death, self inflicted harm, and suicidal thoughts/ attempts may all appear. It is also possible there will be reference to rape or sexual assault.

With that all said, enjoy, and welcome to Dark Paradise. 

(also off topic but Lana Del Rey's music >>>>>)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Originals or any of its characters or plot. The rights go to the L.J Smith and Julie Plec and the makers of the show. (not me having to google who wrote tvd cause my brain died) I only own my original character, Ellika, and her plot. 

Also none of the images are mine I just got them off google or pinterest :)

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