Chapter fourteen

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It was Rebekah who ended up with the job of sedating the overpowered witch

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It was Rebekah who ended up with the job of sedating the overpowered witch. She went into Davina's room quietly and warned her beforehand, but still the witched screamed in protest, sending wind howling throughout the quarter with her frustration.

That was the second stage of disasters, Sophie had informed then. Earth was first, which was the earthquakes and the dirt Davina coughed up; then came wind, meaning hurricanes and tornadoes if they didn't stop it soon; then water, causing storms and floods to an extent no one had ever seen before; and finally, fire, that would catch alight and rampage through town after town until not just New Orleans was destroyed, but everything within a thousand mile radius. And that was if things went well.

Therefore, sedating Davina seemed to be the best option, as the less upset she was, the slower the stages of destruction continued. Elijah and Marcel, however, did not seem to agree with this decision.

"You've sedated her too heavily," complained the eldest original, following his brother and sister-in-law down the stairs.

"Well if this is her sedated, I'd hate to see her otherwise," retorted the hybrid, picking up a chair that had been knocked over by the wind, "We all agreed Davina would be sacrificed. There's no need to let her blow the roof off our heads in the meantime."

"No way. You're not touching her!" Marcel yelled, jumping off the balcony and punching Klaus in the face. Ellika looked concerned but Elijah rolled his eyes at the outburst, tired of their petty squabbles.

Reeling back slightly, Niklaus spoke, "Okay, I'll let you have that one," as Elijah held Marcel back from approaching his brother once more.

"Marcel, no one wishes Davina to come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out. She's going to die," Elijah spoke quickly.

"According to Sophie, aka the witch who screwed over everyone here," Marcel pointed out, still unwilling to let Davina be sacrificed.

"The harvest was working before it was stopped," Elijah argued, "If a non-believer like Sophie Devereux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I also am a believer."

"I saved Davina from the harvest, and now you want me to just hand me over?" Marcel asked, incredulous.

"Do you think that I'm happy about this?" Klaus interrupted, "Not only do the witches gain more power, we lose our weapon against them."

 He paused, sighing for what felt like the millionth time today, and wrapped an arm around Ellika's waist (for her comfort, not his, he told himself). "The earthquake," he continued, "I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds? If Davina is not sacrificed, then every inch of earth that shook, everything blowing about no, will soon be drenched in water and consumed by fire."

"Oh, so now you care about the city!" Marcel exclaimed.

"And we ought to," Elijah said, turning his gaze to the former king of the quarter, "We built it."

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