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Many hundred of years ago, there was a girl named Ellika Hansen. She was an exquisite beauty, with eyes as deep as the ocean and hair as dark as night. However, unfortunately for Ellika, she was not a just a normal girl. 

Where she lived, almost everyone was either a witch or a wolf. Her family were witches and so was she, supposedly. However, much to the horror of her parents it was soon discovered that she was not a witch at all. At least, not in the traditional sense; she could not be a witch, as she had no magic of her own. She took it. Stole it, as her parents said.

She was a mistake. A freak. An abomination. A Siphoner.

Her desperate parents decided no one could know what their daughter was, for fear of being shunned, or worse. They instead, went to their close friend, who they hoped could fix their daughter.

Because, you see, their close friend was none other than Esther Mikaelson, a very powerful (and soon to be 'Original') witch

However, when the asked Esther for help, they didn't receive the news they expected. Esther claimed she could give the young girl magic of her own, and performed a spell to do so. However, the spell appeared to do nothing at all to the girl. 

Distraught that their freak of a daughter could not be fixed, they fled one night, leaving the young girl in the village, where Esther would be left to look after the child amongst her other children. 

And that is how, Ellika aged three, met Niklaus, aged six. The two soon become best friends throughout their childhood years, and remained that way until some time in their teens when they became more. They fell in love, and one day, in a sunny meadow with a blue sky above, Niklaus asked Ellika to be his wife. She accepted, of course, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Except that, thanks to Esther, it wasn't so easy. For when Esther failed to successfully complete the spell that would give Ellika her own magic, she accidentally provided her with something else - immortality. When Esther discovered this, she decided to try again, in the hopes she could fix her mistake and make Ellika mortal again before the girl was ever even aware of her curse.

 But, once again, she failed to give magic to the girl, only succeding in postponing Ellika's immortality - with a catch. On the day Ellika would become immortal, the magic used to insure that she would not die would drain, and take for itself, the magic of every supernatural being to have ever walked the earth. And since this magic would be inside her, it would be Ellika unwillingly stealing the magic - and life - of all these supernatural beings. 

The impact would be so huge, she may just destroy the world. 

So, in a desperate attempt to save herself, her family, and all the supernatural creatures, she cursed Ellika to sleep forever, approximately 300 days before Ellika was supposed to drain the magic and life out of everything supernatural in existence.

Unfortunately for Ellika, and for Niklaus, this date was their wedding day, and so instead of a celebration, the after-vow-ceremony became a funeral, and Niklaus was married and widowed on the same day.

And so, the legend of the Siphoner Witch that would bring about the end of everything was born.

And the legend of the kind and happy Niklaus Mikaelson died.


Welcome to Dark Paradise :)

Idk how long the chapters will be but they'll definitely be longer than this. Also Ellika is pronounced 'ill-ee-kah' if you weren't sure.

I haven't edited anything yet but I might come back later.

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