Chapter twelve

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In the newly reclaimed Mikaelson compound in the French Quarter of New Orleans, a large table had been placed in a dining room. It seated twelve people, none of whom looked like they particularly wanted to be there. The people consisted of Klaus, Ellika, Marcel, and nine of his most trusted daywalkers.

Niklaus, who was sat at the head of the table, stood up, tapping his glass with a spoon. The gesture was unnecessary due to the tense silence that coursed through the room, but the hybrid ignored it and began to make his speech all the same.

"Let us began with a toast," he spoke," To our shared gift. Immortality."

Ellika felt more than a few side glances at her, making her feel only more out of place in this dinner from hell. She sat at the end of the table, her knee's tucked into chest, playing with the silk sleeve of the white dress she was wearing. 

"After a thousand years," her husband continued, ignoring the bored and uncomfortable expressions of the room's occupants, "One might expect life to be less keenly felt; for its beauties and sorrows to diminish in time

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"After a thousand years," her husband continued, ignoring the bored and uncomfortable expressions of the room's occupants, "One might expect life to be less keenly felt; for its beauties and sorrows to diminish in time. But as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine," as he spoke, he slowly walked to the opposite end of the table, standing behind Ellika and signaling to the compelled waiters around the room.

"Insatiable need. Exquisite pain," he went on, placing a hand gently over Ellika's eyes as the waiters slit their wrists and poured their blood in the glasses of the guests. 

"To my city," he finished, walking back to his seat, "My home. May the blood never cease to flow."

"And the party never end," Marcel finsihed.


"Are you alright, love?" Niklaus asked, frowning when he noticed the look on Ellika's face.

"What?" she asked, confused, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a little bored."

Because Elijah and Rebekah aren't here are the words that went unspoken. Klaus had as good as abandoned them, leaving them to rot in the plantation house or wherever they were while he moved back in to their New Orleans mansion. 

Niklaus sighed, knowing full well the effect his siblings' absence had on her. He walked across the room, sitting next to her and placing an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.

"I'm sorry, my love, but I can't just let my siblings roam freely in the compound. Not after what they both did. They betrayed me, and they must suffer the consequences."

"I know," Ellika said, although she still didn't really understand, "I just miss them."

"I know you do, darling," Nik replied, kissing her on the head and going to say something else when Marcel appeared, interrupting their conversation.

"Hey, Klaus," the vampire spoke, ignoring Ellika's frown and Niklaus's scowl, "We've got that meeting with the faction, remember?"

"Meeting?" Ellika asked, looking at Nik, surprised he hadn't mentioned it.

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