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"Today's high demand and decreasing supply have resulted in a root that can bring hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for the prized 'Man Root'," she read aloud. "Ginseng has many uses. It is found in energy drinks. It is used in treating erectile dysfunction, and the Asian market makes it a high demand product, even today.

As a plant, it takes years to develop. It favors the north-facing slopes in hardwood forests. It is a shade-loving plant that can live for sixty years. Slow to mature. Several years to produce seeds.

In nature, deer eat the seeds. Those seeds are spread in the animal's waste. Three varieties: wild, wild-simulated, and farm-cultivated.

Seeds can be harvested in the fall when they turn red. Farm-cultivated ginseng brings a lower price than wild roots. The most valuable is wild. Wild ginseng can be distinguished by its dark tan color and twisted appearance due to the hard life of surviving in the wild. Harvesting kills the entire plant because the whole root of the plant is removed.

Seeds are harvested from wild plants. Grown on private land under a tree canopy amid the native plants of the forest, wild-simulated ginseng is the second most valuable. Farmed in rows with chemicals, farm-cultivated ginseng is least valued by Asian importers."

Whoaa! In the same area a Christmas tree grows for eight years, three to four thousand dollars worth of ginseng can be grown. Incredible!

Hadley looked up at Onus who was preening on the top shelf of the bookcase.

"Big Kitty, you and I are in the wrong business."

She looked back at the screen, reading aloud.

"Harvest could begin five to ten years at five hundred dollars per pound of root. Five hundred dollars a pound! Can you imagine how much I'd be worth at that price?"

Onus yawned.

"No comment from the goober gallery, Onus.

"What else does this thing say about ginseng? Let's see. Locations of plants must be kept secret. Well, with those prices I guess I know why!

If discovered, poachers will come in and clean out the area. The cultivator of wild-simulated ginseng must be on constant guard to protect his investment. Bingo!"

Onus suddenly jumped off the shelf and ambled to an easy chair. He nested in the cushion, kneading it with his claws.

"Every tub has to sit on its own bottom, Onus. Kyle was poaching ginseng off Eustian's land. It's all there in the court papers. Eustian caught him, red-handed. Kyle was trespassing and stealing! For once, it looks like the old goat had a valid reason for pressing charges against somebody!"

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