First day turned Nightmare

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September 20th,

Mystic Grill, 11:00 pm

"Good first day?" Matt called as he cleared the table closest to the bat. He wiped it with a soggy piece of cloth which had large ketchup and mustard stains on it.

Juliet nodded as she opened her envelope, not paying the slightest attention to Matt.

She earned two hundred dollars for filling in for two shifts on her first day. A result at last. "First day in Mystic Falls, done. First day at work" Matt listed as he came back to the bar.

"And a first day at school tomorrow" She finished, feeling pleased at the money she earned. She hadn't even thought about school once today.

She had only just arrived in Mystic Falls on the Friday. It was Sunday now and she hadn't gotten anything for school.

Matt said everyone is kind there and that she would surely fit in soon. He would say that, being the kind, generous person he is. So kind that he would even give Juliet the job the second she arrived at the grill.

Matt wiped the classes dry with a different cloth as he tried to move the conversation along. "You know you're a life saver?" He admitted.

Juliet noticed every time Matt smiled his face glowed with delight. It was cute, yet he looked so grownup that it wasn't.

Juliet raised a questioning eyebrow at him then rolled her eyes as she chuckled. 

"No, without you, I would have gone ballistic. Every single member of staff is either dead or injured," Matt explained, accidentally frightening Juliet from the job without knowing it.

She took off the apron then through it over to Matt who was now checking his phone. His childish glow had disappeared into a worried and glum facial expression.

"I'm off. Bye!" She called before she went out the door. Matt replied without taking his eye off his phone.

As she walked out, another boy walked in. Tall, had muscular shoulders, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Another man walked in after, he had black hair and frightening light blue eyes.

The brown haired boy gazed at her once as she got outside.

The cold night's wind hit Juliet's body. She was wearing a light pink trench coat under a black shirt and a denim  skirt.

Her pale blonde hair didn't move at all, just froze on her shoulder. 

She walked across the parking lot. She couldn't find her car. She knew she parked it around the side of the building since that was the only space left.

She still couldn't see her car. She rummaged through her purse to find her keys. When she got them out she heard her car unlock. It was there, she just couldn't see it.

Suddenly the car made the noise again. And again. 

Juliet was sure she wasn't pressing anything. She had the keys right in front of her.

Her headlights began to flash, making the car visible. She came to it quickly. She wanted to get home quickly. 

Her mom would have some soup in the microwave to heat up and her dad would be watching late night TV sitcoms. Her sister Maggie would be out with her new friends again.

She was surprised Mag had already found friends so quickly. It was surprising she found friends at all, she was so hard to get along with.

She jumped in her car. She placed her purse on the passenger seat then adjusted her mirror. 

She screamed as she saw a mans face in the background. Curly dark hair, hiding one of his eyes, hazel ringed with gold.

"Did you just hear that?" Jeremy asked, making a fist with one hand, holding his sharp wooden stake in the other.

Damon rolled his eyes. "It's actually ridiculous how many people we have to save a day, well you save, I watch" He pulled a fake smile.

Matt knew what it was. He heard a scream. The voice was familiar, well of course it was since he had spent the whole day listening to it.

Matt untied the back of his black apron then sprinted to the door, the others following.

Damon and Jeremy looked both ways. The car park was empty which meant everybody had left. 

Matt went round the side of the grill. He saw two shadows but couldn't see the figures. "Hello?"

Suddenly light came over the dark patch in the corner of the Grill. Matt turned around to see Damon holding a flashlight, "Always prepared" He said sarcastically, even though he was now.

Matt spotted a couple making out in the corner. "Hey, we're closing up now so you have to leave" He warned the couple. The mans head parted from the girl.

He hissed at the three boys showing his sharp teeth with blood all over his mouth. The girls neck was wounded. 

Then Matt realised who it was. Juliet had been bitten.

Jeremy lunged to the vampire. Damon went over to the girl with his super speed. He knelt down to the see her neck clearer. He shined the light down at her and moved her hair so he could see, "Not dead yet"

"Damon please, give her some of your blood" He called to him, trying to not go near the vampire who was battling with Jeremy.

Jeremy stuck the wooden stake through the vampire's heart. He trembled to the ground as his killer watched.

When Matt knew the vampire was dead and not just weak, he ran to Juliet. Her mouth was covered by Damon's bloody wrist. 

It was gruesome sight to see but it had to be done. When Damon's wrist parted from her glossy lips, now with red around them, her soft green eyes opened, but not for long as she closed them again.

"Is she alive?"

Damon nodded, feeling her pulse. "So where will we put her?" 

Matt rested her head on his knees in the backseat of the car. He caressed her blonde hair gently. He was glad to know she was okay. If she wasn't, he would've felt incredibly guilty for not offering to walk her to her car.

"This was not my idea to bring her with us, okay?" Damon said, keeping his eyes on the road.

Jeremy checked on the backseat. Usually when someone is healed with vampire blood they awaken and stay awake. She wasn't unconscious, just asleep.

Jeremy's eyes moved over to Damon, "She can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch" He suggested.

"First Stefan, then Matt, now you? Jesus, how many saints are in this town, pun intended"

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