They're powerful, but your stronger.

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"I witch, I can't be a witch. It doesn't run in the family" Juliet protested. 

Bonnie brushed the smoke towards the others with her hand. "It's true, I can tell," Bonnie said, not explaining how very much.

"Didn't you see what just happened? Juliet cast a spell with Bonnie!"

"No Bonnie cast the spell with my help" Juliet hadn't prossesed anything through her mind so she was still confused.

Blood started to pour from Bonnie's nose, running down, entering her mouth and staining her teeth red. Bonnie kept hold of her nose.

Elena assisted her. "How about we leave all of this for another day. Bonnie can do some research for us"

"But what about-" Juliet stopped as soon as she saw Elena's face, staring back at her.

When Bonnie left to go to the kitchen with Jeremy, Juliet saw Elena coming to talk to her. "Look, I think you should go home. Get some sleep. See your family, okay?"

Juliet thought it over. This wasn't fair.

"So you dump all this on me, leave me with nothing but unanswered questions then expect me to go home have a hot chocolate and forget about it?"

Although a hot chocolate would be good.

Elena tried to speek but didn't have the right words to come out with. 

"Whatever. I should be in school right now anyway, not lighting candles with my mind. I'm out of here!"

Elena let her go without hesistation.

Mystic Grill, 6:15 pm

Juliet felt bad for Elena. Storming out on her when she tried to help her get through everything. It wasn't right.

She sat at the bar. As she worked there, well might do, she pulled herself a beer from the tap.

She rarely had alchahol, but she thought that this would be the most perfect opportunity to try.

Matt dryed the glasses with a now clean and white cloth. "A penny for your troubles?" He joked, failing to lighten up the mood.

"Stereotypical barman can go  bite himself" She spat.

Matt put his surendering hands up then went back to work.

He didn't even have to question her to why she had a pint of beer in her hand.

"Hey" Caroline came to her.

Juliet and Caroline hugged before they went to sit down at a table.

"So, I heard what happened at the house. I still don't get it either" Caroline told her.

Juliet curled her hair with her finger awkwardly.

She couldn't see him at first, but when she did, she knew that she had saw him before.

It was the boy she caught staring at her in school. "Hey Caroline?"

"Yeah?" She responded quickly.

Juliet got up, "Can we go?"

Caroline looked to see where Juliet's eyes were. "Is that guy giving you any trouble?"

Juliet slid out of the booth. "No lets just go"

The quickly got to the exit and got out of now, not so humble setting of the Grill. 

Before they could move any further, some cam in front of them.

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