Possible (100 x better) Sequel

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Since for some reason out of any of my stories (even the well written one) this happens to be the most popular, and surprisingly people seem to enjoy it. Quite a bit. For some apparent reason. Seriously it's always on my 'MY STUFF' thingy and I'm here like "DAAAAAAAAYUM." So because I'm very bored, and I have a hell lot of ideas, I'm maybe making a sequel to this.

It will be well written, it will be up to date in the Vampire Diaries world, it will include a bad ass bitch and this time IT WILL MAKE SENSE!

LOL. I'm legit writing it right now. Just vote for this if you want me to actually post it. Oh and I'm probably abandoning all my others stories because lets face it no one reads them. And I'm like.. "Did I really write this?"


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