You can run but you can't hide

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26th September,

The quarry, 12:42 am

Ruth Bennet met Jeremy and Juliet at the quarry. They explained everything to her, what happened at the hospital and what Juliet saw while she was in her coma. "This all makes sense" She mumbled under her breathe, asking herself why didn't she think of this at first, although it wasn't it exactly the obvious answer and she was no Sherlock Holmes. "What do we do now?" She asked Jeremy, who was comforting the cold and shivering Juliet. He looked up at her, "Well you're gonna take her to wherever and I'm gonna find a way to stop the ritual from happening". 

"You expect us to run away? A witch who can take out vamps and weres in a blink of an eye and a druid girl" (who hasn't even shown any of her powers yet) "Who when is determined, could be stronger then both of us put together. We're both coming too" She argued. "You do know one of the werewolves knows she's the real druid right?" He asked, almost sounding like he was calling her stupid, although he only meant well. Ruth rolled her eyes, "Yeah, one they don't believe. And Elijah's already taken his army". Juliet, who was sitting on the hood of the car, stood up. "She's right. We have to work together. And we can't let any more people get involved. Enough people have already, and if they know we're doing this, they'll get hurt"

"Before you start running off to fight a huge pack of Original werewolves, where are you exactly going to find them? They're in hiding?" Said a skinny male figure, walking into the light from the car. Caspar was revealed to them from the darkness. They all sighed in relief and annoyance. "Good point" Ruth told him, almost smiling in his presence. "Of course you had to be here, didn't you Caspar?" Juliet said, shaking her head, staring down at the stones scattered about the ground. "It's my job, Juliet" He told her.

"Yeah well last time I checked you weren't doing a very good job of it" She snapped, annoyed and extremely tired. Ruth shot her a look. Caspar looked down then gave a weak smile to himself, "Yeah.. I guess your right" He then turned around and walked back into the dark, leaving the others where they were. "Hey, he only came to help" She told Juliet. "Yeah, well what help is he?" Juliet asked, moving closer to Ruth. "More help then you whining. That's all you do know, it's pathetic. We get it, your family's been captured and you sister is probably going to die, but you moaning about people your annoyed with isn't going to help save them is it?"

Juliet stood there, stunned. She did not reply, just moved back to the car, opened the door and got in."Yeah.. I guess your right.. sorry..". After a while of silence, she popped her head out the window, "Coming or not?". Jeremy and Ruth both got in the car quickly and left the quarry and made there way onto the road. "Where are you going Jeremy?" Ruth asked. "I'm sticking with my original plan"

Before Ruth or Juliet could protest, the car skidded off the road. Load breathing came from everybody in the car. Jeremy began driving again, checking the mirror for what they were running away from. The wolf that escaped the hospital. "Jeremy! Go! Go!" Ruth screamed, leaning forward into the front seats. At that moment, the back door of the car was ripped apart from the car itself and Ruth was dragged out by the wolf's teeth. "HELP ME!"

"RUTH!" Juliet screamed, looking back at her. Jeremy stopped the car when he saw Ruth now being attacked by the huge beast. Then the wolf, just like the hospital was being dragged off by the neck. By Caspar. The wolf did another one of it's loud roars, frightening everyone, even Caspar who was strangling the wolf, who everyone was originally running away from. The wolf Shook Caspar off, causing him to fall to the ground. The wolf went for Caspar and bit into his shoulder. "NO!" Ruth screamed, trying to fight the pain, using all her strength and putting it into that one scream as she watched Caspar in his worst nightmare. Being bit by a werewolf. Fatal to all vampires.

She got up from the ground, injured terribly, aching every time she moved a muscle. She slowly went toward the wolf as it went in for another bite of Caspar and snapped it's neck. As soon as the wolf fell to the ground on it's side, howling, sounding more like a cry for help, Ruth went to Caspar's injured body. "Oh my god," She whispered, looking down at all the bites, "No, no, no. It's okay, you're going to be fine". She cradled him in her arms. "No, I'm not" Caspar said, sounding almost happy for a person who knew he was going to do, "It's fine"

"Go" She told Jeremy and Juliet, "Go!". And they did as she said, and drove off into nowhere. They were both as horrified as Ruth, who was almost drowning in her own tears.

"Jeremy, where are we going?" Juliet asked with a shaky voice, feeling guilty for Caspar, almost crying herself. "Away. Every things going to be okay" he tried to reassure her. "What about them?".

Jeremy didn't reply, just kept on driving.

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