How many down and How many to go?

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25th September,

Mystic Falls Hospital, 11:52 pm

Jeremy sat beside the hospital bed. Juliet hadn't open her eyes and he was beginning to worry if she ever would. He suddenly felt sick and a sharp pain entered his stomache.

He bit his lip, trying to get through the pain that only lasted about a minute. 

He relaxed again then took a deep breathe. Jeremy's classmate, also Juliet's, the one found dead's funeral was this morning.

It was a very sad, very long ceremony, similar to Alaric's. He missed Alaric and he was just beginning to recover from the depression of his good friend's death.

Stefan looked left then right in the corridor outside the room where his new housemate, who had recently gone into a coma, was staying in.

Matt came by earlier, in tears. He had not known the girl long, but he knew she didn't deserve this. Know one did.

The car that hit the druid girl was waiting for her. After the car drove off, Stefan followed it but after ten minutes of tracing the vehicle it had completely disappeared. It had no number plate either, and the driver was unknown, but he had a clear idea of who sent him.

Stefan told Elena all about what happened and why Jeremy took Juliet to Klaus, and why they didn't tell her. No one was meant to know about it apart from the three.

Stefan admired the determination in Juliet. She was very brave. Maybe all druid's were, but how would he know?

Elijah and Caspar, the vampire meant to be protecting the druid, were waiting outside the hospital. 

Today was another date crossed off on Bonnie's cousin's list. 25th of September. They were all  keeping an eye out.

Sutton Chamberlain walked down the hospital corridor. She had a blue black bob with light grey eyes, covered in eye makeup.

There was a young man standing outside the door. He gave her an uneasy smile as she entered the hospital room.

The boy, who had not left the room since the girl was brought in, sat there, watching the lifeless body on the bed before him. 

Sutton placed a paper cup of coffee on the table for him. "Has anything happened while I was gone?" She asked him, catching his attention, breaking him free of his day dream.

He shook his head. No changes in his facial expression either. He had been frowning since he sat down in that seat he had not left for hours.

She sighed and went over to him. "Go outside, get some fresh air. It'll do you good"

He glanced at Sutton once before turning back to the patient. He nodded and got up. "Would you stay here with her. I don't want her to be alone"

"Sure" She answered, giving him a smile. She watched him leave the room.

Jeremy went outside, nervously walking into the cold weather that he had kept away from for days. He felt like he hadn't been outside for years.

Elijah and Caspar were nowhere to be seen, but there was no doubt they were near by watching. Waiting. 

He rubbed his hands together as they turned red in the icy air. 

Stefan felt something go through his. His leg quivered. It was cold air. All the windows were closed though?

A single paper flew past him. He looked down at it. It was only a doctors form.

He moved his attention to the notice boards. Pictures of nurse's and their children were pinned on.

He noticed a picture of one of the girl who had just entered the hospital room with Juliet in. She was quite young, not old enough to have kids. She was very young to be a nurse, even an assisstant of some sort.

Suddenly more wind came down the hallway, causing more papers to flutter past like birds. He questioned this is his head then went down the hall to investigate, worried.

Harsh winds came at him now and things were flying everywhere. Photo frames and plant pots crashed, trolly's were pushed over.

How could this be? Although he was strong, the wind managed to push him back.

Then the beast came.

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