
605 22 1

26th September,

Mystic Falls Hospital, 12:11 am

The beast was huge, larger then any wolf Stefan had seen in his entire life. He ran down the long and narrow corridor, hoping to escape any chance of being torn apart by the, what looked liked a, huge werewolf which was coming his way. Stefan noticed the wolf's hunger by the amount of saliva in his mouth. The wolf licked it's lips, his eyes daggering towards Stefan. It was a wolf, yes, and wolves were not something that would usually frighten a Salvatore Brother, but this wasn't any wolf. He knew it was one of them. One of the Original Pack. 

Before it came any closer to Stefan, who was breathing heavily, attempting to catch his breathe, the wolf stopped. He slowly turned his head from side to side and sniffed. He knew what the wolf was looking for. Who the wolf was looking for to be exact. When the wolf spied upon his Target through the glass wall revealing Juliet lying unconscious on her hospital bed, Stefan blurred over to him, still frightened as ever, but now determined to keep this beast away from it's prey. Stefan caught a glimpse of the young nurse who's eyes widened as she lay eyes on the wolf, now trying to be choked in Stefan's arm. 

The wolf struggled to get out of Stefan's hold, but managed to, throwing Stefan to the wall on the opposite side of the corridor. Stefan hit his head, but managed to ignore the pain, which would heal quickly enough and attempted to get hold of the beast who surprisingly hadn't entered the room where the girl was kept.

Jeremy heard a noise from inside and immediately acted. He rushed inside the hospital, with nurses already questioning the noises which were came from the commotion upstairs. Jeremy had been in a hospital enough times to know that this wasn't normal. The elevator was to slow and he had to be quick, with no time to waste. He ran up the stairs, pushing the people aside as he did, making his movement a lot quicker. When he saw Stefan trying to take down the monster of which he now lay eyes on, he had no choice but to help as he was struggling. But he had no weapon? 

He looked around, panicking. The closest thing he could find to some kind of weapon was a mop. He was disappointed but didn't complain as he had no other option but to use what he had. He went in for the beast who got hold of Stefan and pushed him to the wall. He tried to dig the end of the mop into the beasts back. He knew it wouldn't do any damage at all but at least it got the wolf off Stefan. The wolf growled, then the growl quickly turned into a roar and the wolf was going for Jeremy. Luckily Stefan got it's neck and with all his strength snapped it's neck.

At this point, the wolf would have died, but something told both of them that it was still alive, just injured badly and to there relief becoming very weak. Jeremy and Stefan entered Juliet's room. The nurse wasn't shaking in the corner like Jeremy expected. She stood strong by Juliet's side, although she looked disgusted upon both boys. "What are you?" She asked, with an angry and appalled stutter.

Stefan did the honors of compelling the nurse, assuming she hadn't taken vervain, to forget about the event that had taken place a few moments ago. What Stefan didn't realize was Juliet. She was awake, sitting up, clueless to what had just happened. "Wha-wha-what's going uh-u-on?" She asked, shivering. Jeremy took off his coat and wrapped it round her. "We need to go"

Stefan nodded to Jeremy, signalling him to take her away. Thankfully yet worryingly, the beast was somehow gone, and had not made a sound whilst it exited the hospital. He helped her out of the bed then downstairs and out of the Mystic Falls Hospital. He rushed her to the car, trying not to answer the questions Juliet was asking him. He stayed focused on getting her to the car and away from all of this. "Jeremy stop!" She ordered, when she was inside the car. He did as she said, still worried about being near the hospital. "Juliet what is it?" He asked, nervously, gulping at the end.

"I need to tell you something," She started, "When I was in a coma, my mom spoke to me". Jeremy turned around, "Juliet that's a good thing, did she tell you where she is? What-"

"My real mom"

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