CSWI - Crime Scene Wolf Investigation

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September 21st,

The Gilbert Family Lake House, 9:15 am

"What is that?" 

Juliet gazed at the brown circle that lay on the body of the two werewolves. Damon moved the body's head over so he could get a better look.

Juliet felt uncomfortable having two half naked and wounded dead bodies in front of her. She felt jumpy around them, afraid that one might jump up and try to bite her.

Elena spoke next, "It's birthmark in the shape of the ring. Both bodies, same shape, same place"

The doorbell rang and Elena went to tend to it. Jeremy examined the marks bodies with everyone else. "Which one's the hybrid?" He asked, coming in front of Juliet.

"The one you killed" Damon said, pouring himself a glass of what he called, 'the good stuff' even though it looked like cheap alchahol that a sixteen year old would steal from their parents closet.

Juliet felt on edge. Especially next to the one that tried to kill her. Memories came flooding back, making her picture a lot clearer.

Elena came back. Soon following, a girl with brown skin and a small heart shaped face. 

She had olive coloured eyes and the girl's dark hair was straight. It fell down to her shoulders, the length of one of her necklaces. The girl wore several number of necklaces, earrings, bracelets and trinkets.

"What's the problem?" She said, finally noticing the two bodies lying down on the table. 

Before Bonnie investigated the bodies, Elena jumped in to introduce the new guest of the house, "Bonnie, this is Juliet"

Juliet greeted Bonnie then held her hand out. Bonnie grabbed her hand and shook it, but as soon as she did, she shivered in an unnatural way.

"Bonnie?" Elena took hold of Bonnie's shoulders. Bonnie shook her hands off, "I'm okay" she protested, still looking curiously at Juliet, scaring her.

Bonnie then moved to the bodies. She traced the ring with her index finger.

Damon pretended to yawn, ending the silent minute of watching Bonnie check out the both bodies. "Look, I'm bored. Do you recognised it or not? Yes or No?"

Elena shook her head at Damon with an unimpressed expression on her face.

"It's too soon to tell.  The scars... wait no... marks," Elena gave Juliet a reasuring glance as Bonnie spoke, "They must mean something?"

"Duh" Damon slouched on the couch with a bottle, instead of the one glass.

Bonnie hovered her hand over it. "It's not something they were born with that's for sure. It must have been put there, like a tattoo or a rune. Some kind of pack or something?"

Elena unfolded her arms and placed then on her hips. "You mean there's another pack in Mystic Falls? Why would they be here?"

Bonnie did not answer. Suddenly, she flinched. She jumped slightly moving back towards Jeremy.

"Something stung me?"

Elena and Jeremy now exchanged glances. Damon rolled his eyes in boredom. 

Elena tended to Bonnie. "I tried to figure out what the mark meant but as soon as I did something stung me" Bonnie explained, rubbing her sore finger.

Juliet came to the bodes again. "Why would these werewolves we know nothing about be in Mystic Falls?"

She turned around to see a room of blank faces. Even Bonnie didn't have the slightest clue.

Damon left the room.  "Why are wolves coming to Mystic Falls?" Elena questioned.

"Maybe they want something. They can't want the cure, could they?" Jeremy suggested. The cure, which Juliet knew nothing about.

"Well they must want something. And why were they at the grill last night? Who were they looking for?" Juliet spoke, getting herself involved in the conversation after she started to feel a bit left out of the group.

Elena, surprised at Juliet's comment, "Yeah, I never thought of that. Were they looking for you?" 

She turned to face Jeremy. He shook his head. "I wasn't there when the hybrid arrived. He must have been waiting for Matt"

Bonnie looked at Juliet, squinting her eyes. 

"Maybe they were looking for you?"

Now everyone was facing Juliet. No, she thought, What did a hybrid want with me?

"What would they want with her? She's human?" Damon in again. He spoke like it was a bad thing to be human.

Bonnie stepped forward, still giving Juliet daggers. "Or is she? When I shook her hand I felt something"

Juliet looked at her own two hands. All she was her hands, nothing special. 

"Juliet, give me your hand" Bonnie ordered, holding out her own.

Juliet nervously gave Bonnie her hand. Bonnie held her other hand too. "Now close your eyes"

Elena and Jeremy watched carefully, hoping to see the outcome of whatever Bonnie was about to do. "Elena, candle please. Juliet sit down, don't let go of my hands and keep your eyes closed too"

Juliet did as the witch said, slowly crossing her legs on the smooth yet cold wooden floor. 

Elena rushed in with one large white candle. She placed it in the middle of Bonnie and Juliet's mini circle.

Bonnie breathed in, followed by Juliet doing the same. 

"Picture the candle glowing. Picture a small flame glowing on the candle"

She did. She pictured a small flame about the size of her eye moving about dancing above the wax candle.  She pictured the flame getting stronger and bigger.

She opened her eyes. She felt disappointed for losing her concentration. The smell of smoke coming near her face.

She soon realised the smoke came from the candle, which created a bigger flame then she expected. Bonnie, still with her eyes closed was muttering something in another language.

When she opened her eyes, she looked worried. "What does this mean?" Juliet asked, fear in her voice.

Juliet felt disgusted as she inhaled to much smoke from the candle.

"You're a witch"

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