New home, New clues, New arrival.

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September 22nd, Salvatore Boarding House, 7:30 am

Stefan Salvatore. He wasn't very social, but he was humble so Juliet respected him for that.

He'd taken her in out of the blue last night. Elena told him what happened and then he pittied on her.

Stefan was playing the grand piano in one of the rooms upstairs. He was good, but not brilliant, Juliet thought.

She moved down the hallway. She looked at all the different paintings and artifacts that lay round the house.

School was soon. Today, she wouldn't be late because she was already dressed and ready to go.

She was surprised she was able to get out of bed this morning. It seemed like nothing mattered to her then. Nothing.

Her backpack was on one of the dining room chairs. Once she found it, she headed back to her room, trying her best not to disturb Stefan.

She carried on, making her way back to the stairs. The piano stopped playing. She turned around to see if anyone was there.

"Forgot Something"

She turned around, startled. Stefan. He was carrying her favourite sparkly pink pen. He handed it to her.

She gave a tankful expression before moving past him. He walked down the corridor she came from as she walked up the stairs.

Mystic Falls High, 8:02 am

Juliet didn't say goodbye to Stefan. In fact, she hadn't really said anything to him since she arrived at the boarding house. They had very little interactions.

She walked inside school. The halls were crowded yet again. She struggled to get past everyone.

When she finally made it, she spotted Caspar Sparks in a surprisingly empty corridor straight away.

He stood, leaning on a locker. He watched Juliet walk to him. "Your first class is History," He informed her. She stood next to him.

"I'm surprised you even came. I'm really sorry." He said with a sincere apologetic and sympathising voice.

She broke out into tears. She suddenly felt tired, and upset. In fact, those words wouldn't even begin to describe what she was feeling.

Her family could indeed be dead right now and there was nothing she could do.

History class went so quick. She listened to Mr Carson go on about the Pyramids and every single fact about Egypt known to man.

Mr Carson was harsh, but was indeed a wise man.

She caught looks from the likes of Caroline, Matt and Bonnie, who turned about to be in her class before she even knew her.

She couldn't stop thinking of the red ring on her wall. What kind of a sick person would do that. Person, eh? Don't you have to be human to be a person, and this didn't look like the work of humans. 

Elena sat down on the school field with Caroline and Willow Gartside. Willow giggled as she heard Caroline talk about her holidays abroad.

Willow was a human, who didn't know about the supernatural world around her. Elena wanted to keep her old friends. The ones she had before she became what she is today.

Elena thought about what had happened to the girl Juliet. She could relate to her very well. She had lost her parents too. 

There was one thing she didn't have in common with her. Elena never had a sister, let alone having one being taken away.

Her head drifted away into thought.

Something buzzed in her pocket and she was back.

One message. From Bonnie.

Sorry for being late will come soon. Been looking through books and the only thing it said is that ring might count as the letter O but im not sure. See you later.

The Bennet Household, 9:15 am

Bonnie  put back her old dusty leather bound volumes in her room. She had been skimming through the pages trying to find some information on the origins of this ring mark on both creatures bodies from the previous night.

She paced. She tried to fit pieces of information to lead one to another.

Knock knock. Knock knock.

She rushed downstairs to see who it was at the door. As soon as she opened the door, she heard a girly scream.

There standing in the porch was a girl. Dark skin, long straight black hair, honey coloured eyes.

"Bonnie!" She cheered, giving Bonnie a hug.

Something wen through her. The connection. She recognised the feeling after it being so soon since the last time she felt it. She hugged back, still speechless.

"Damn girl, you don't know me?" Bonnie answered the girl in a stunned look, "My name's Ruth. Ruth Bennet, sister of the witch you hardly were acquainted with, Lucy"

Then Bonnie knew. "Oh my god. Come in" She let Ruth in.

Ruth looked about the place. She placed her ruck sack down near the table by the door. "House of Bonnie Bennet, my cousin!"



Who to play Ruth?? You guys decide, comment your answer if you like. Yo Amazing.


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