Nobody touches my sister.

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Classes had ended. Juliet walked out, followed by Caspar, who seemed to be taking quite an interest of her.

"Wait for me" He called, getting past the heavy jocks and the barbie look-a-likes.

Juliet rolled her eyes. "Why are you doing this? You can't follow me around. I'm not your problem" She said, sick of him following her.

Recess had started. She tried to walk fast but Caspar caught up every time, without using his vampire speed.

"Actually, you are my problem. I was assigned to protect you"

Juliet rolled her eyes, "Yeah these vampires we still know nothing about" She attempts to walk away yet again, arms folded.

He sighs. "I was compelled to not tell you" He explained. 

Juliet knew vampires couldn't be compelled, but let him go on. "Please, I'll tell you everything, if you come with me"

Stops trying to walk away. "You have five minutes"

Caspar soon took her to the Gym to walk privately, but in Mystic Falls, even if you were alone, there would still be someone watching.

"This vampire asked me to protect you for.. obvious reasons.." By obvious reasons he meant what happened the previous night, "You know about the pack coming for you. This pack is deadly and they want something you have. The vampire who compelled me doesn't know what they want, but knows when they get there hands on it, Mystic Falls won't be here for much longer"

"Okay, so where have they taken my family sister?" She asked, slightly mad. 

He shrugs. "We don't know. We are trying to track them down but lately we haven't been getting any results" He said, revealing the the disappointing news, "We are trying"

Juliet sits down thinking about her sister. Memories they shared together, which were rare.

The time they went to Disneyland together when there parents were out doing whatever. A European man tried to get Juliet to go with him. Maggie kicked him where it hurt. Her exact words, "Nobody touched my sister". 

The only moment she felt proud to be with Maggie. Proud to be seen with her. Proud to be her sister.

Juliet didn't realise Caspar was still talking. "...Bonnie's coming" He says looking at his phone.

"You have Bonnie's number?"

He raised an eyebrow. "This is your phone?" He said, texting Bonnie back. 

She got up and snatched the phone from him. 

I've found something. Urgent. 


"She's found something, lets go" Juliet says, walking out of the gym. Caspar followed. "Where are you going?" He asked looking over at the glowing screen of the phone.

Juliet stops walking. "If Bonnie's found something, we need to know"

He grabs hold of her arm. "You and your friends stay out of it. The vampire is taking care of it"

She brushes his hand off her arm. "We're already in it. If Bonnie's found something, it will help us find my family" 

"Your sister has been taken instead of you. You feel guilty for it now. You feel like it's your fault. We don't know where she is, but we'll get her back.." He trailed off.

"Yeah well I'm gonna find out where she is. No one touches my sister"

Jeremy tried to catch his breathe.

He had been running for at least an hour. He wiped his forehead before sitting on a log that had fallen down from one of the high trees.

Training was hard, training was tiring, but he knew practice makes perfect, and he needed to the best to become a hunter.

A hunter. He coughed. The word hunter, a lot of things came to mind. One of those things, Alaric.

He was like a dad to Jeremy. A father. A brother. A friend.

The sound of a broken twig interrupted his deep thought. 

He looked around. He wasn't scared. Moments like this happened all the time.

"Who is it?" He called to whoever was coming near. He had tow large staked in his rucksack which were easy to reach if he were in trouble.

He felt tapping on his left shoulder. He turned around quickly. 

Standing before him was a tall guy with dark tanned skin and a shaved head. He was big and muscular, but not a threat. He reached his hand out to stangle Jeremy.

He tried to get the guys hand off his neck but struggled. He used his legs and kicked him in the struggle. He was weakened slightly but showed no pain.

He tried again. This time he released Jeremy. He got out one of the stakes. He held it out for the guy to see.

Jeremy saw him chuckle. "You think that will hurt me? Idiot" The came forward, "Now it's time to show me where she is?"

"What are you talking about?"

He growled. "You may have all the rest fooled but I know you have the druid. Where is she?"

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