Ruth Bennet

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September 23rd,

Mystic Falls High school , 8:12 am

Ruth Bennet had spent the whole day researching in the school library, even though she wasn't an official student at Mystic Falls High school yet.

She went to the school library because it was easier to meet everyone there.. plus she got lost on the way to the public one.

She turned the page of the small dusty old volume. She worked her way down the page, skimming the text.

She gave up on searching for the symbol she found on the hybrids chest. It was no use. Whatever the symbol signified was never spoken or wrote about. It was no use in trying.

She sighed and leaned back on her seat, folding her arms. 

Bonnie had taken her in, after she told her about the druids. Ruth knew there would be druid attacks. She saw them in her dreams.

Also, everywhere she went, she kept seeing the same numbers. 18, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. She kept thinking of them, scribbling them in the corners of book pages, circling them on take out menu's. She couldn't get them out of her head.

Back home in New Jersey, Lucy told Ruth that it mean something.

Lucy took a deep breathe. "Okay, so how much of the time do you think of these numbers?" She asked, not letting go of Ruth's hand.

"They're all I can think about. It's torture to put them at the back of my mind." Ruth explained, her hand shivering in Lucy's.

Lucy shook her head, "It's not torture, it's a sign" Then she went into thought, "Baby, what's the first number and the date"

"19 and the 18th of September"

Lucy smiled. "You're gonna need to pack your bags Ruth. You're going on a trip"

Ruth raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, sis? What do you mean it's a sign? Where are you taking me?"

Lucy brushed a strand of Ruth's hair from her face, behind her ear. "I'm not going, but you are"

Ruth shook her head. "I'm not going unless you tell me what's going on. Are you sending me away because you don't want me to find out you wrecked another one of my dresses cause this is extreme"

Lucy giggled. "No. This is important. You must go. You're going to see your cousin in Mystic Falls. She can teach you about being a witch and how to control your powers. Every things going to be okay"

They hugged one last time before going inside.

Ruth wanted to slap herself for not realizing. Lucy had hinted the numbers she thought of had something to do with dates.

She pulled out her date diary then checked started to not things down.

19 - 19th of September September - Druid arrives in Mystic Falls

21 - 21st of September - Druid Attack

23rd - 23rd of September- ?

She swiped the screen on her I-Phone then looked at the date. Today was the 23rd of September.

She gathered her stuff then ran out of the library. She held her phone at her ear. She nervously grinded her teeth waiting for an answer.

"Bonnie, we have a problem.. A very big problem"

Inside Mystic Falls ~ The Vampire DiariesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang