Chapter 5 ~ The Club

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Bella's POV~

Sitting on the couch I decide that I should stop mopping around the apartment and do something like go shopping or hang out with friends.

Getting up and looking for my phone I call Hailey. After about 3 rings she answers " Hey what's up I hope your not still laying in the same position on the couch like you were before I left for work". Awkwardly laughing I reply with " noooo of course not". hearing her sigh and laugh she tells me how I'm a terrible liar. "Anyways what's up? you never call me when I'm at work your always afraid ill get In trouble " sighing I tell her that's its been 3 days since the interview and how I haven't gotten a call back. Hearing the destress in my voice she tells me that everything will be ok " Bella its going to be ok and if you don't find a job ill take care of every th-". Before she could finish her sentence I interrupt her " Hailey you know I love you but I don't like the idea of depending on someone else and there money i want a job so that if you don't have to do everything yourself and i don't want to be a burden to you". While laughing she says " Bella i love you with everything in me and after all the shit we have been through together you would never be a burden to me. So how about you get off your ass and get in the shower and after i get off of work we are going out." " NO IF AND OR BUT'S ABOUT IT!!" She practically yells through the phone.

Saying our goodbye's i hang up and decide to get ready since she will be home in a few hours.


Waking up to the sound of loud music ,groggily and half asleep I get up and make my way to Hailey's room. Once in her room I flop on her bed and wait for her to get out of the shower.

30 minutes later

Hailey : Don't even think about going back to sleep, I let you get some extra sleep while I took a shower so now its time to get ready!

Bella : ok ok mom I'm up I'm up

Hailey : time to pick out our outfits and before you even protest your wearing a dress

Bella : ( internally groaning i don't even argue because arguing with Hailey is pointless she always wins) Ok fine ill let you put a dress on me BUT no makeup besides mascara ,eyeliner and lip-gloss

After 45 minutes of listening to music and doing our makeup Hailey and I finally got dressed. Hailey wore a red spaghetti strap thigh high dress with some strapless red heels. She some how convinced me to ware this short backless emerald green dress that went to my mid thigh with matching green heels with straps that wrap around my lower leg.

Bella : Hailey this dress is wayyy to short

Hailey: no its not I have dresses that are way shorter than that one if you would prefer one of those

( she says with a slight grin)

Bella : (rolling my eyes at her) No I definitely do not this is good enough

After getting dressed we made our way to this new club that everyone has been talking about its top of the line and you basically have to have connections to get in plus i heard that it was owned by some mafia guy.

Getting in Hailey's car the girls make their way to the club

Hailey : By the way the guys are meeting us there

Bella : Sofia, Gene, Scar and Ethan? ( i ask in a question because knowing her she could have been talking about actual guys)

Hailey: Yes them who else

Bella: Just making sure

Rinngg rinngg ringgg

Answering Hailey's phone for her i hear blaring music and the loud voice of one of our friends.

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