Chapter ~ 10

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  It's been about 2 weeks since she moved in and I cant seem to remember what my life was  like before she moved in.....not saying that's a bad thing its just I don't think I can go back to her being in my life. 

 DAD~ And what do you mean by that exactly? 

 ENZO~  What do you mean 

DAD~ Well do you mean you can't live without her  like you want to spend the rest of your life with her and her only  or do you mean it in a she's a good nanny  and you don't think you could ever find anyone better. 

ENZO~  Honestly dad it has nothing to do with her being Leo's nanny 

DAD~ Then what is it my boy 

ENZO~ Well I don't really  know how to explain it... I just don't know if I could ever go back to not waking  up to her everyday. I mean her smile alone just makes my day better and the way she is with Leo, I mean the way she gets him to open up to her and talk about things he wont talk to me about and gets him to try new foods . Not only that but she has an amazing personality  and that smile that lights up a room and dad I know it sounds stupid given its only been a couple of weeks but....

DAD~ But she hasn't tried to sleep with you yet. 

 (Lorenzo gives his dad a look)

DAD~ What? I'm just saying.... you acting like this could be because of that or...

ENZO~ Or what? 

DAD~ Orrr you're whipped (Shrugs shoulders) 

ENZO~ I'm not whipped (roles eyes) 

DAD~ (Laughs)   

ENZO~ What's so funny (cocks an eyebrow at his obviously amused father) 

DAD~ (Still laughing) nothing, nothing it's just from what you tell me you haven't had sex with her or even kissed the girl and well the way you talk about her she's clearly got you whipped. 

ENZO~ Like I said I'm not whipped. 

DAD~ Deny it all you want son, but that girl has you whipped whether you admit it or not.

ENZO~ Yeah, yeah whatever you say. 


(Lorenzo's personal thoughts) 

On my way home from my parents' house I start to think to myself and wonder if it's true what my dad said. Am I whipped? 

Thinking back on the past 2 weeks I can honestly admit that I would go to the ends of the earth for her as corny as it may seem even if it's only been 2 weeks. FUCK I really am whipped (roles eyes) 


(Sometime later) 

Upon entering the house, the sound of giggling filled my ears.

As I walk closer to the living room the sound of giggling gets louder. 

Standing in the entrance of the living room I watch as Bella chases Leo around the living room pretending to be a monster while Leo runs away screaming and laughing.

After about 10 minutes of watching them play Leo notices me.

Crouching down to his level he runs into my arms screaming "Dad save me from the monster!!" While looking at Bella, I tell him " The monster isn't going to get you she's too adorable to hurt anyone". 

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