Chapter 9

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Bella's POV~

While eating my breakfast I receive a text from the group chat from Genevieve

Genevieve ~ Soooo how's everyone been

( after that text the group chat blew up with messages)

Ethan~ Where the hell have you been

Sofia~ You're in so much trouble young lady!!!

Scarlet~ Guys calm down she's probably been getting fucked by this mysterious boyfriend that we're just now finding out about

Hailey~ Yea she's probably been getting dicked down for the last day in a half

Genevieve~ You guys are crazy, but if you must know yes I was with Cyrus and we've been talking things out and before Scarlet and Hailey ask yes there was sex involved BUT not until after we talked and well I think I am ready to move in with him but I'm not sure because everything is going good and I'm scared things are going to change once we live together!!

Texting a reply I say " If Cyrus makes you happy and if you love him and well If you see yourself being with him for a long time probably even forever then go for it and stop thinking about the what if's"

(Every one quickly replies agreeing with me)

Scarlet~ Exactly what Bella said and if he hurts you we will help you move out and kick his ass

Sofia & Ethan~ Damn right

Remembering that Scarlet, Ethan and Sofia left before the guys came down from wherever they were I send a text asking

" Wait a minute how does Scarlet, Ethan and Sofia know about Cyrus because Sof and Ethan left early and where the fuck did you go Scar"

Scarlet~ Calm down Bells I left with Ethan and Sofia since they were my ride and Hailey filled us all in on what happened after we left

Genevieve~ Speaking of that night what happened with Cyrus's friends after we left

ME (Bella) ~ Well after you and Cyrus left Lorenzo's brother and his other 2 friends left and then Hailey left with Lorenzo's cousin Jayce and they did the devils tango and Hailey said it was the best sex of her life and now thinks she's in love with him

Hailey~ BELLA I did not say that..... well the first part I definitely said that but I don't remember the second part

Me (Bella) ~ I remember you saying it even if you don't but anyways like I was saying.... after Hailey and Jayce left Lorenzo offered to take me home but we ended up at his house because his temporary nanny called saying his son was throwing a tantrum so we went there and I ended up falling asleep on his couch with his son in my arms and woke up in one of his guest rooms and well he made us breakfast and gave me the job of being his nanny!!!

Genevieve~ WOW that's a lot and congrats Bella

Sofia & Scarlet ~ Congratulations Bells

Ethan~ Hells yea that's what I'm talking about congrats Bella

ME~ thanks you guys

Hailey~ Seriously you guys are congratulating her but are missing the big picture!!

Sofia~ yea and what would that be

Hailey~ SHE'S LEAVING MEEEE (sarcasm)

ME~ Yeaaa the job is for a live in nanny

Sofia~ OH SHIT its gonna be like one of those Wattpad books

Scarlet~ oouu Genevieve and Bella are going to be dating billionaires

Me~ omg guys he's just my boss

Genevieve~ Yea well that's how me and Cyrus started dating, I was his assistant and now I'm his girlfriend

ME~ You guys are just as bad as Hailey

Hailey~ Heyyy I'm not that bad

Sofia~ Well when you do end up being his girlfriend don't forget to set me , Scarlet, and Ethan up with some of his friends

Hailey~ What about me!!

Sofia~ What about you don't you have Jayce or whatever his name is

Hailey~ Oh yea but he's not my boyfriend... not yet anyways

Telling my friends that I will talk to them later I but my dishes in the dish washer and finish packing my things which isn't much.

Packing up the last of my things I send a quick text to Lorenzo letting him know my thing were packed.



Didn't know what else to add to this so I'm ending it here since its been in my drafts for over a week

This is basically a filler chapter to catch up everyone on the things that have been happing since the club.

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