Chapter 6 ~ Hired Part 1

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Bella's POV~

Waking up from my sleep from the sound of the alarm I reach for my phone, not finding my phone I sit up in the bed and immediately start panicking because I don't recognize the my surroundings.

I decide to get out of the bed once the smell of burnt food hits my nose. Looking around the lavish and what I assume is expensive furniture I notice clothes sitting at the foot of the bed with a note on top of them which read " I hope you don't mind didn't have any clothes that would fit you but found some of my younger brothers old clothes also there are wash cloths and drying towels in the bathroom along with soap you can take a shower if you like - Lorenzo". Reading the name on the note all my fear and panic went away when the events from last night came back to me. Walking into the bathroom I notice the soap and towels on the bathroom counter. Finally noticing how huge the bathroom is, it could definitely fit the bathroom in my apartment in it 4 times over. I decide to take a quick shower.

Lorenzo's POV~

Taking the dish towel from the counter I use it to fan the smoke that accumulated from the burn pancakes and cause the smoke alarm to go off. I only walked away for a second to answer a call which was from Jayce because Hailey was worried something had happened to Bella since she wasn't answering her phone.

Taking the burnt pancake off of the pan and throwing it out Leo makes sure to remind me that I burnt it.

Leo~" You burnt it papa you burnt it"

Enzo~ Yea bud I know

Deciding to take a break I decide to go check on Bella and see how she is. Making my way to the guest room I knock on the door a couple of times and get no answer thinking maybe she's still sleep I open the door and walk in seeing that the bed is empty I get a little concerned thinking may be she went to look for me and got lost or something.

As I'm about to leave the room the bathroom door swings open reviling the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. When she looks up and we lock eyes and she immediately puts her head down, something I've come to notice is a habit of hers she does it whenever she's embarrassed or nervous. Upon eye contact she seems to be trying to hide her body from me.

Walking over to her I but my hand on her chin and lifter her head back up " you have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about the human body is natural and comes in all shapes and sizes and you Tesoro happen to have a nice one". Looking up at me with those beautiful emerald eyes of hers she blushes and mumbles a quick "thank you".

Bella's POV~

After the complement Enzo gave me I all of a sudden felt a little less self conscious because I mean if a man like him thinks I have a nice body then surely it must be nice..... right?

Remembering the sound of an alarm earlier I ask him what it was to which he replied " I burnt a pancake" . Trying to hide my laugh from him I say "really that sucks pancakes are my favorite after bacon of course" to which he replied with " really my son loves pancakes as well. After we talked a little he left and I got dressed.

After getting dressed Bella made her way down stares

Walking into the kitchen I see Enzo facing the stove upon seeing this I take a minute to take in the fact he's not wearing a shirt and has a very macular build which is covered in tattoos. The sound of a little boy breaks my daydreaming. Looking down I see the little boy I met briefly a few days ago staring back up at me.

Leo~ " Are you papa's girlfriend?"

Looking at the little boy in shock and confusion I say " no I'm not I'm a f-" . Getting cut off mid sentence Enzo interrupts an says " she's your new nanny" without turning around.

Looking back at the little boy I see a huge smile on his face " What are you smiling about little one"

Leo~ "Are you the nice lady from the park?"

Telling him that I am he hugs my leg and says that I'm really nice

Making my way over to Enzo I ask

Bella: "What do you mean I'm his nanny"

Enzo: "I meant exactly what I said"

Bella: "Sooo that means what?"

Enzo: So that means your hired, we can talk about how much you will be payed later.

Walking to the couch I decide to go watch TV with Leo




its been a long day for me so this chapter is gonna have to be 2 parts.

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