Chapter ~ 11

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Bella:  SOOO it's been 2 months since I started my nanny job and well everything's been great and things between Enzo... I mean Mr. Moretti and I is well he's still as hot as ever and from time to time he teases me about that night I walked into his room, and he caught me staring at his naked tattooed chest.

Hailey: "Sounds to me like you're living every romance novel readers dream right now."

Bella:  You and your damn romance novels. 

Hailey: " Don't act like you don't also read them in fact it was you that introduced me to them." 

Bella: yeah, yeah whatever ........ but do you have any plans this weekend if not girls weekend?

Hailey: " Aren't you busy with being a nanny? and no, I don't have any plans this weekend Jayce and I had plans but then something came up." 

Bella: Yeah that business thing in Italy Enzo told me about it and Leo is spending the weekend with his grandparents and aunt because Rose wanted to spend the weekend with him. 

Hailey: " Oh ok so then yes to the girl's night and do I have to text the others and whose place are we going to be at?"

Bella: No, I already called them, they all agreed and at Lorenzo's place.

Hailey: " Ok and why am I the last to get an invite" 

Bella: Because you worked extra hours last night and today is your day off and you and I both know that when you work extra hours and have off the next day you usually sleep in till like 4 in the afternoon....... Alright I have to go but everyone's coming over to the house tonight at 7. 

      With a quick sigh she says, " ok I'm going to pack a bag and come over early to help you set up" knowing that she really means that she's going to sit down and eat snacks while I set everything up, so I say, "ok see ya" and hang up. 

 A little bit later I get a phone call from Lorenzo.  

Lorenzo: " Hey just calling to make sure you're alright."

Bella:  Hi yeah everything's great.

Lorenzo: " are you sure"

Bella: Yea I'm sure, I mean besides being alone in this big ass house I'm fine. (nervous chuckles)   

Lorenzo: " Oh ok well don't forget I said you could invite your friends over to stay with you if you want."

Bella: don't worry I invited them over they should be on their way right now. 

2 hours later Scarlett, Sofia, and Genevieve arrived, and we got our night started. We started our night off by making homemade pizza then we binge watched " Shameless" and good thing we all have already watched it because Sofia fell asleep on like season 3 and I say that because Sofia absolutely hates falling asleep on shows she hasn't seen before. 



Going on this trip wasn't a part of the plan (deep sigh) but somethings need to be taken care of in person.

Bella's been doing a good job with Leo the past 2 months so when my mom called and asked to take him while I'm gone. I took the opportunity to give her a break because well according to my mother Leo is just like a was when I was his age. Not to mention that Rose practically begged me to because she missed her nephew and it's understandable since Leo was always with her at my parents' house whenever I needed to do or go somewhere so I understand why she misses him so much. 

I swear that girl thinks he's her son and not mine (chuckle's), but it's good for Leo to spend more around my mother and sister since they are the only females in his life but well, he has Bella now so that's a plus, but she won't be around for the rest of his life like my mother and sister will. He needs a mother... NO, he deserves a mother someone who will love and care for him as if he was her own, someone who will show him the love of a mother, but I can't do that I can barely show him the love of a father and he deserves better than what I'm giving him. He needs someone like Bella, but I know that can never happen.

Before I went to meet with the guys I had to call and check in on her one more time just to make sure she was ok but good thing she called her friends to go and stay with her for the weekend and well knowing that she won't be there alone takes this weight off my shoulders that I didn't know was there. I know she's my son's nanny and her and I can never happen but I just can't seem to stop feeling the way I do about her I don't know what it is that just makes me feel so protective of her and it's not some normal feel of protectiveness it's like... like I'm in love with her and if anyone wants to hurt her they will have to go through me. Crazy and cheesy I know but i cant helps it it's just how I feel about her, but it can't happen not with the life I live. I mean I can barely be there for my son how can I be there for her especially in that way.

Who's to say that she even feels the same way.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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