Chapter 7~ Hired Part 2

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Sitting on the couch with Leo I learn that he likes to watch Scooby-Doo which is surprising since kids his age don't watch shows like that they usually prefer to watch thins like Boss Baby or something.

After about 20 minutes Enzo came over and told us breakfast was ready.

Sitting at the table eating I decide to ask my new boss the question that's been on my mind for the last 20 minutes.

Bella: Sooo what made you choose me..... I mean there must have been others with better qualifications

Lorenzo: Yes there were a couple

Bella: So why me

Lorenzo: Because you were the only one that wasn't trying to get into bed with me ( not mentioning its just an excuse to see you everyday)

After breakfast Enzo gives Bella a ride home so she can start packing.

Bella's POV

Waving goodbye to my new boss and his adorable son I head inside and make my way to my apartment.

Finally inside my apartment I go check to see if Hailey is home. Peeking inside her room I flick the lights on which causes her to grumble, "turn it back off" . Laughing at my best friend I run out of her room not turning the light off of course which earns me a string of curse words.

About 15 minuets later she comes walking into my room wrapped in a cover.

Bella: sooooo

Hailey: soooooo what?

Rolling my eyes at my oblivious best friends and ask her how her night with Jayce went.

Hailey: It was fine well better than fine I mean that man is built like a Greek God and don't get me started on how big he is and no I'm not talking about height. It felt so damn good with him inside me I mean the man knows how to please a woman.

Bella: OOHH so it was that good huh

Hailey: yea it was and he's taking me on a date Saturday!!!

After squealing like two teenage girls Hailey asks me about my night. Telling her about what happened last night she starts calling the nanny all kinds of things from "neglectful" to "moneygrubbing whore" which of course I laughed at because if you know Hailey she loves kids and after how we were both treated in the orphanage we grew up in we both hate it when we see kids being mistreated.

Trying to lighten the mood I tell Hailey about this morning which earns me a hug from her.

Hailey: I'm so happy for you and sad at the same time. I'm glad you got the job but also sad your leaving me.

Bella: I'm not leaving you I'll only be an hour away and just a phone call away

Hailey: I know but im still gonna miss you

Bella: I'm gonna miss you too

Hugging my best friend I try not to let the tears escape. This will be the first time we haven't lived together, we shared a room at the orphanage, we were roommate's in college and then we bought this place. This going to be hard.

The girls get off the bed and start packing Bella's things

After about 30 or so minutes of packing Hailey went to make us food leaving me to my heaping piles of clothes .

vvv vvvvvv vvvvvv vvvvvv

Checking my phone I see a message from an unknown number

UNKNOWN: You know I don't like sharing you

UNKNOWN: Why are you so disobedient


UNKNOWN: That's not important but what is, is the fact that MY woman is moving in with another guy

UNKNOWN: You should know better Little Flower you remember what happened to the last guy don't you.

Dropping my phone my whole came to a halt as soon as I saw " little flower" it was the nickname HE used for me a person I've been running and hiding from for 2 and a half years.

How did he find me? , How did he get my number? , How does he know about Enzo?


Who is this unknown man and how does Bella know him?

Stay tuned to find out

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