Chapter 14: Winter Festival (Train Ride)

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When Ranboo said he wanted them to leave for the festival early, he seemed to have left out the part of waking up before the sun. It was nearly pitch black outside and freezing cold, atleast to Tommy. He had to borrow two of Phil's capes to place over his own jacket to just feel somewhat warm. His hands were in gloves and deep in his pockets, yet he could feel cool air seeping into his coat from where his wings stuck out. Overall a dreadful experience to wake up to. All he wanted was to go back to his house, climb back into his bed, and go back to sleep. Yet he wasn't going to because he had to be a good friend and fiance. He just hoped Tubbo, Beau, and Aimsey would hurry the hell up.

It was only him and Ranboo sitting on a bench together at the mostly empty train station. They had their tickets and were waiting for their friends to arrive. Tommy glanced up to Ranboo since they both hadn't said a word since they sat down. Though the ender prince had a stoic look on his face, Tommy could see he was excited. If it wasn't his eyes that gave away then it would be his tail that was wagging side to side at a consistent pace. It wasn't everyday you get to see "The Great Prince of the End '' be giddy about seasonal events. It was a small thing but Tommy felt like this was a big thing for Ranboo. Himself, on the other hand, his own tail thumped against the ground as he worried some thoughts began to spiral in his head as so many things filled his mind.

What if he couldn't finish the work he left in his workshop?

Were things going to be disorganized for the wedding?

Was he not going to have enough materials to finish the outfits?

What if he wasn't able to finish everything in time?

What if everything went to shit before anything was ready?

As more unfavorable thoughts circled through the blonde's head, the more anxious he grew. He tried to focus on other things but was still stuck on how behind he was going to be on the designs. Maybe Ranboo was right about a well needed distraction because this worry felt like it was killing him. So he just started making sounds to somewhat break the silence at the station. Just a few chirps, coos, and whistles he let slip, just to hear them echo around the vacant space.

"What are you doing?" questioned Ranboo, looking down at the blonde.

"Noises" uttered Tommy, as he let a sharp whistle out.

"Why?" asked Ranboo, lifting a brow.

"I don't know, It's just too quiet right," proclaimed Tommy.

"And too cold," he added, more quietly.

"You have like four layers of clothes on though '' uttered Ranboo, confused.

"I feel like I need ten more from how cold it is out here" sighed Tommy.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked, glancing over to the prince.

"I'm an enderian, remember? We don't get cold easily since The End doesn't have a heat source" reminded Ranboo, "So the cold doesn't bother me".

"Well okay ice princess, some avians don't get feathers to protect themselves from the low temperatures until they reach elytrian age" huffed Tommy, crossing his arms.

"So we rely on companionship and materials to keep warm or we head south like other aves species" he added.

"I see," muttered Ranboo.

Once again, the two sat in silence at the station. Tommy's focus went back on to trying to bury himself in the cloaks he had on. Suddenly he felt an extra weight around his shoulders and a jolt of warmth. The feeling of furling rubbed against the back of his neck causing him to sit up straight. He reached up to feel the material and fur. It was very thick and smooth while the fur felt as if it was radiating heat. The blonde pulled it closer around his body to keep what heat it had from escaping. He glanced over to Ranboo, who was no longer wearing his cloak. The ender prince was avoiding eye contact but gave the avian a head pat in condolence. A small smile curled on Tommy's face as he rested his head against Ranboo's shoulder. He was much more relaxed and a bit less anxious. He felt like he could doze off back to sleep, which he was doing. It was long before the blonde avian had fallen back asleep with a few hushed cooes escaping him. Ranboo didn't disturb him and just enjoyed the silence of the train station. They had another half hour before the train would arrive so it was probably best for Tommy to get some rest since it was still pretty early. Though it did make him laugh since he always thought of his companion as an "early bird" since he had always been awake before him. Guess it didn't apply during the winter season.

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