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"This speech is my recital." Sero began.

"I think it's very vital." Kaminari continued.

"To rock–"

"A rhyme–"

"That's right–"

"On time–"

"It'sTrickyisthetitle, HERE WE G–"


Emiri and Ashido groaned as Sero and Kaminari began rocking out to 'It's Tricky' by Run D.M.C. for probably the one hundredth time since they began their trip.

Emiri had the unfortunate experience of learning the hard way that Sero loved to play the same three songs on loop. At first, it was pretty funny seeing Sero and Kaminari, even Kirishima at some point, enthusiastically sing Sero's silly songs as if it were the first time hearing it.

Alas, after the first hour, both the girls and Bakugou were over it.

Meanwhile, Kirishima had somehow fallen asleep despite the ruckus.

"God, we should've asked Ears to come." Bakugou complained, glancing back at Kaminari in annoyance. "If Dunce wasn't such a wuss and asked her to be his girlfriend, maybe he wouldn't have been so weird about inviting her."

Emiri sat up in her seat, her blanket falling from her shoulders as she gaped at Kaminari.

"You like Jirou?!" Emiri whispered, her hands to her mouth. "Woah! No way, you're perfect for each other."

"Emi!" Kaminari whined, covering his red face with his hands.

Ashido slapped Emiri's shoulder, "are you dense? He's been pining for her since last year!"

"What?!" Emiri whined as she pouted. "Kami! I thought we were friends!"

Kaminari groaned, laying across the two seats he had to himself.

"Emiri! We are, it's just never come up before." Kaminari defended before scoffing. "Besides, it's not like you've ever talked about your crush to me before."

Emiri crossed her arms, "that's because–"

Kaminari, Sero and Ashido gave the girl an intrigued look, Bakugou even glancing at her in the rear view mirror. She had completely frozen against the seat, face pallid.

Kaminari suddenly smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"So you do have a crush, huh? Who's the lucky person?"

Emiri melted into the seat, raising the blanket to her chin.

Ashido glanced from Emiri to the oblivious Bakugou who was driving, eyes widening briefly before she decided to laugh off Kaminari's comment.

"Don't deflect, Kami!" Ashido retorted before kicking Sero's seat in front of her. "Sero, play 'She's Kinda Hot' to grieve Jirou's lack of presence."

Sero sat up, typing rapidly into his phone before finding the song. He suddenly turned around to face the rest of the car, clearing his throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I dedicate this 5SOS song to the lovely Jirou – who Kaminari fumbled the bag with!"


'She's Kinda Hot' blasted on full volume in the van, Ashido, Bakugou and Sero singing the first verse at the top of their lungs. Emiri couldn't help but burst out into entertained laughter when Kirishima woke up because of their yelling, not even hesitating to join in.

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