◌ºঃ what about you? ◌ºঃ

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Emiri pouted as she lowered her phone from her ear, the robotic voice of the answering machine mutely speaking.

She leaned against the wall behind her, taking a moment to cool off in the air conditioned hallway of the hotel they were staying at.

After a few weeks of camping, hiking and even renting bikes to cycle around pretty nature walks, the group had decided that their last stop would be a nice hotel. They planned to spend a few days actually doing nothing but laying under an air conditioner eating snacks and playing video games.

The initial plan was for all of them to cram into one hotel room and share a king sized bed. But they'd been told they weren't allowed to by the hotel staff and, instead, Emiri and Ashido shared a room while the boys shared a room with two double beds.

Speaking of the boys' room, the door on her left opened and Bakugou exited the room wearing a baggy sleeping shirt and track pants shorts. He held change between ins his hands, an irked expression on his face.

Bakugou froze momentarily at the sight of Emiri, before he casually approached her.

"You tried calling Icy-Hot again?" Bakugou questioned, glancing at her phone that she gripped.

"Yeah, still no answer." She slightly raised her shirt so she could shove her phone into her shorts pocket. "What are you doing out here so late?"

Bakugou made a noise of annoyance, "I have to get those idiots drinks from the vending machine."

An amused laugh escaped her lips, "you lost rock-paper-scissors again? You must be really shit to not even notice that Kirishima always uses rock."

"I keep thinkin' he'll change tactics but he never does." Emiri shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Because I feel bad for you, I'll accompany you."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, walking ahead of her. She laughed, bouncing on his trail before he slowed down when she came to his side.

The two walked in silence – a silence that was a little bit awkward.

Weirdly enough, her and Bakugou hadn't talked much one-on-one the entire trip. She'd silently vowed to get to know him better, to maybe be closer to him by the end of the trip.

But she noticed he would avoid her, or at least avoid being alone with her. And even when they were together like this, he wouldn't tease and annoy her as much as he used to and the bantering was left up to her for the most part.

At first, she thought that maybe she did something to piss him off and he was upset at her. But that wasn't Bakugou; if he had a problem with anyone, he would tell them to their face.

"Why have you been trying to call him anyways?" Bakugou suddenly asked, stopping in front of the vending machine. "He's been texting you, so you're not completely cut off."

Emiri was taken aback momentarily by his interest. He seemed to be trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Well... I've been thinking about something and need to talk to him about it." Emiri said as she vacantly watched a bottled, ice coffee being manoeuvred to the bottom of the machine. "I dunno, it's important and I need Shoto. But he's busy."

"What could be so important that you need to tell him now?"

It was no secret that the Todoroki twins were close. Shoto was the person Emiri constantly followed around and could be seen annoying him any opportunity she got. Not to mention how if she weren't with him, she was most likely talking about how cool his quirk was or making fun of him behind his back.

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