Chapter 24: All Hallows Eve

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    "Beau, this is Chandra. I've got it, the spell is ready."

"I knew you'd come through. Will the spell wipe her memory entirely, or just everything to do with the community?"

"I went with the safest option, that is wiping it entirely." She paused and took a breath "I'm sorry."

"That's the way it needs to be then. We can fake an accident, I'll call my mom and get it all in play. You get ready to activate the spell, I want this done right and unbreakable. Are you sure there is no way to reverse it?"

"I'm sure. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, it has to be done to protect the community, there is a strong chance she is the Queen." Beau took a deep breath "if I expect others to make sacrifices for our safety then my family needs to do so as well." He pushed around the papers on his desk nervously "besides we won't lose her but she will lose her painful memories, get a fresh start."

"Yes, I'll be awaiting your text."

"Okay... so... when I hang up Chandra, I want you to lean your head back in the chair and get some much needed sleep."

"I will do that, thank you."

"You're welcome," Beau hung up and set the phone down. He laid his head on the desk and let the weight of the decision hit him. Collecting his thoughts he picked up the phone and dialed his mom and dad's number, this was not going to be easy. The conversation was hard and painful but after some time it was all planned. Taya would be lured to a party at their place for Von's first birthday. Mom agreed to send her out for something it was then the accident would occur. Leaving her in the hospital for some time with full amnesia.

Beau sat the phone down and tried to put it out of his mind, he got up and headed for the kitchen to see what food there was to eat but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "It's open" Beau knew it had to be a friend or Stephen, nobody was getting past him.

    Stephen opened the door and peered in slowly "may I come in" Beau nodded Stephen stepped in and held up a leprechaun by the back of his shirt "know this one?"

    The blonde haired blue eyes male Leprechaun was dangling in the air, arms folded in a pout, pissed off expression and eyes locked on Stephen. He rolled his eyes "stupid Sasquatch" he swung at him trying to hit him "put me down."

    Beau laughed "I would like to point out that picking people up is rude, but I do admit, I don't know this one."

Stephen sat him down, squatted down to the leprechaun's level and growled at him, he gestured that he was watching him and stepped back to stand in the hallway behind them.

"He's new." The leprechaun pointed at him.

"His name is Stephen, he's my new butler." Beau smiled and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Butler?" The man looked at Stephen aghast "that's a butler?"

"Yeah, the previous one moved in with his soon to be new husband." Beau laughed as Stephen stuck his tongue out at the leprechaun "he'll be fine, thank you" Stephen growled...

"I come in peace and promise to behave." The leprechaun raised his hands in surrender. Stephen snorted at him and sauntered back to his apartment reminding him again that he was watching him as he went.

"Have a seat, you haven't gotten the chance to tell me your name?" he shut the door and gestured for the family room.

"Darby O'Dea, my family and Allan's have been battling for eons over the throne." He headed for the couch to sit down "his family seized it from mine back in the fifties."

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