13- You Better Wise Up, Kid.

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Delicious Things by Wolf Alice

"I won't say no, I'll give it a shot for the spot at the top."

Olympus by Blondshell

"I'd die to spend the night at your belonging."

April 2015

The sun stung Matty's eyes as he began to wake. There was building pressure in his head, a sensational manifestation of being stuck between a rock and hard place. There was unnecessary weight to his limbs, as it felt like he was breaking the rules of gravity to leave the mattress. All the distractions his body created made it take a while to realize that the mattress wasn't his. It was Jade's. He heard a sizzling from a distance and navigated toward it. He walked through an ajar door to see Jade in her kitchen.

She looked at him. The corners of her mouth separated, creating a look of playful concern. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

Matty looked around, looking for any further clues to solve the mystery of the night before. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack while drunk. "I barely remember seeing you at the party last night. I slept here?"

She nodded with the reassurance of a little kid spelling a word correctly. It was earnest, pure, and without any judgment.

"Did you bring me here or did I come here?" He asked, scared of the answer.

"You really needed to get home, but I don't know where you live. So, I had a taxi bring us back here."

His mind was still fixated on recalling the night before. All the footage was corrupt. His eyes landed on her couch. He saw a jumbled-up blanket pushed away to the right side of it. "I didn't make you sleep on the couch, did I?"

"I opened the door and you made a beeline for my bed," she laughed, "but I didn't mind. It's a comfortable couch." Jade turned off the stove and grabbed two plates. "Eggs?" she asked.

Matty nodded as he sat at her counter, the same stool as a few nights prior. He started to take bites out of the small pile of scrambled eggs. It was much-needed fuel. He let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. The night is starting to come back to me a little. I'm sure I was a bit of a wreck, wasn't I?"

"A little bit."

He took another bite and started to turn his head from side to side. It was a caricature of human thinking.

"Did I offer you sniff?"

Jade laughed, "You did." She took a sip of water.

"You kissed James."

She choked on her drink, surprised that he had remembered something that was so blurry to her, "I did. " She set her drink down, "Well, he kissed me."

"Do you like him?"

Jade took a rhythmic beat to ponder upon his question. She didn't have an answer. "I'm not sure," she told him.

Matty had finished his food just a few seconds before Jade finished hers. He took her plate and began doing the dishes. She watched him struggle to figure out the workings of her sink. He also couldn't find the dish soap, even though its placement was obvious and expected. It was simply just by the tap. Something about his actions reminded Jade of a cat chasing a laser. Eventually, Matty lathered the plates in soap, scrubbed them, and rinsed them off; all while Jade sat and admired him. Even at a low, he was considerate.

"What day is it, again?" He asked as he turned to her.

Jade flinched, trying to cover up any trace of her trance. "Sunday. April Eighth, specifically," she answered quickly.

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