18- Free Bar, That's the Point.

315 13 8

All Mirrors by Angel Olsen

"All this trouble trying to catch right up to me, I keep moving."

To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles

"Don't blame the drunk calling, wasn't ready for it all."

April 2018

Jade held Viola in her arms while waiting for Matty to answer his door. She bounced her up and down to distract her from playing with the shiny silver earrings that dangled from her ears. "Vi? Are you excited to see Daddy?" She asked her daughter. 

"Dada!" Viola practically screamed with excitement.

Matty swung the door open and instantly made bright and playful eye contact with the baby, "Did I hear someone say my name?"

"Someone is very excited to see you," Jade told him. She took a deep breath, "How was your day?"

Matty shrugged, "Pretty good, I guess. You look very beautiful, by the way."

Jade was a bit thrown off by his compliment. It had been a while since he said something to her so admirably. Awkwardness aside, she knew that he meant it as a relic of support. She scoffed slightly in order to keep a humble appearance, "Oh, thanks. And thanks again for taking her tonight. She just had dinner, so she's probably going to fall asleep in an hour or two."

"Of course. I don't mind getting to spend extra time with our baby girl. I hope you have fun tonight."

Jade started to hand Viola over to Matty. The weight of which made her voice sound a bit like gravel when she spoke, "I'll definitely try." She tilted her head at Viola when Matty had fully taken hold of her, "And miss sweetie pie over here still hasn't said mama, so it would be appreciated if you talk all about me tonight. I'll admit that I'm getting quite jealous."

Matty laughed as he tickled his daughter, causing her to smile and giggle. "I shall try my best, darling," he reassured.

"Thank you. And I'll pick her up at around nine tomorrow morning?" 

"I actually have to head to the studio tomorrow. So, I can drop her off on the way there."

"Perfect. And with that," her direction shifted to Viola, "Mama loves you very much and will miss you so much, honey." She gave her a kiss on the forehead. She started to back away to the pavement, waving Matty and Viola goodbye. "You two have fun." 

Viola reached out a hand and started to wave goodbye back. Matty giggled and Jade practically melted from her cuteness in his walkway. "Bye, Jade. Have fun. But not too much fun," Matty called out before taking his child inside. 

Jade flagged down a cab. When she got inside, she gave the address to the driver that Johnathan's assistant had emailed her. She wasn't entirely sure what or where the venue was, which led her to be anxious about her choice of attire. She wore an amber pleated gown that brought out the gold tones in her dirty blonde hair. This was going to be her first gala. She had been to red carpets of award shows with Matty before, but her low profile and fame status made her less of a target of spectacle. No one cared what she wore, except for fans of The 1975 who had generally supported every fashion choice she made. But tonight, all eyes would be on her and she was well aware of it. Her name had been showing up on all the popular theatre news outlets more and more. It was a level of recognition she wasn't quite sure she was ready for, mostly because it was all of her own volition. 

The cab stopped at the curbside of a rather extravagant building. It was old and the exterior was carved stone. Jade thought it looked like one of those event halls that seemed to only exist in Gossip Girl or something, but she knew she couldn't get away with saying anything like that to her colleagues tonight. She had a reputation to keep up and patrons to impress. It wasn't so much that she couldn't be her genuine self, but more so that she had to suppress a side of herself. 

About You. (Matty Healy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant