7장 문제

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Chapter 7 : TROUBLE

After that Jeongguk forcefully had brought me back to his room, I'd gone back to glaring at him and just sitting in the sofa doing nothing. That lasted for barely an hour, until he gave out a sigh and left the room. Since then, I've been wandering around in the room looking for something useful to help me get out of here, but I found exactly as much as what I started with, nothing.

Now, I hear the lock in the door turn and Jeongguk steps into the room again.

"Care to talk now tae?", he asks and looks at me from head to toe. I shove of the feeling of unease and just stare him down.

He raises an eyebrow. "I guess I have to make you then."

With that said, he locks the door and takes few step towards the rooms middle, closing in on me. I know I have nowhere to go, beside me is his shelf, behind me the wall and in front of me, him. I can move to my left, towards the couch, but what would it be for use? A couple of extra seconds Jeongguk-free time, yeah, but that would also probably amuse Jeongguk, or otherwise annoy him. Since I don't want to give him the joy of overpowering me, or being mad at me and make me pay for it, I just stand still on my spot. Ignoring the urge to back away from him as he moves his body closer to mine, only inches from touching.

"Talk", he whispers in my ear and I shake my head in response. Then, I suddenly feel him nippling my earlobe and I turn my face to make him stop. Unfortunately, I turned my face towards him and his reaction was faster than mine. When I turned my head, he quickly moved his lips from my ear to my face, managing to kiss me in the corner of my mouth. He groans a little when I move away as he tries to place his lips perfectly on top of mine.

"Stop", I say, trying to sound commanding even though it ended up sounding like a whimpering.

I could literally feel him smile against my chin.

"Look who's talking now", he says in a mocking tone and I almost roll my eyes, but I'm too shaken up to actually do it.

If I like someone, or just generally think they are okay, I am a really nice person, but if there is someone I don't like, like Jeongguk, I can be really sarcastic and rude. Luckily for the persons around me, I'm mostly don't hold an edge to people. Or at least I didn't, until a day ago.

Nice Taehyung have turned into sarcastic, lippy Tae, but I can't really say it's my fault because it isn't. It's Jeongguk's.

I feel Jeonggukwrap his arms around my waist and I try to squirm out of his grip.

"You became quiet again", he smirks and I give him an evil glare.

"Just leave me alone you freaking as--" Jeongguk cut me off.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't say it. I don't want such filthy words coming out of your gorgeous mouth."

I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not I should say it. I decide to do it anyway.


Jeongguk mutters something under his breath, rolls his eyes and tilting his head up at the ceiling for a few seconds before gazing back at me. "Well... I did warn you, and you just broke two of my rules pretty boy", he says. "You disobeyed my order and you b--" This time, I cut him off.

"Actually, I just broke one of the rules", I say with a hint of flippancy in my voice, "because technically I didn't backtalk, because you didn't particularly say something. I just gave you a comment anyway. And you don't have to be so upset about it, I was actually telling the truth."

"New rule", Jeongguk hisses and gives me a death glare, "no cursing." With that said, his mood suddenly switches again as he cracks into a smirk again.

"Now, I have to punish you and I think I know exactly what you need." His intimidating smile sends chillers down my spine and my heart starts beating ten times faster as he turns around and walks into the bathroom. Before I have the time to think about anything to get out of whatever he has planned for me, he comes back with a roll of duct tape in his hand.

I furrow my eyebrows and tries to hide the fear that now makes my body shake. What is he going to do to me? Oh god, what if he is going to beat me? Or even worse, what if he...

"Come here", he says before I can finish the sentence in my head. I look at him, with now pleading eyes, but stay on my spot.

"Come. Here.", he repeats intermittently, and something in his voice makes my feet slowly move towards him.

Once I stand in front of him, he takes a bit of the duct tape and places it over my mouth. I try to turn my face away as he does it, but he takes a strong grip around my chin with one hand and puts the tape over my mouth with the other. I give him death glares and he only smiles in response and roughly grabs my arm.

He throws me at the bed and picks something up from under the mattress. It's a pair of handcuffs.

Before I manage to get off the bed, he takes a firm hold on my left wrist where he locks one end of the handcuff. He locks the other end to the bedpost, and as I try to reach the tape that's covering my mouth with my free hand, he takes a hold onto my slim fingers and shakes his head.

"Don't. I gonna go get something, and if I see you without that tape on your mouth as I come back, I'll hurt you, physically. Do you understand?" I nod my head and tries to prevent the tears that's building up in my eyes from falling down.

Jeongguk disappears out of the door and don't even bother locking it, knowing I can't get there anyway because of the handcuffs.

He returns a few minutes later with another pair of handcuffs in his hand, this ones coated in a black fabric around the rings. He closes and locks the door once he gotten inside, and then he heads towards the bed and lies down beside me.

"Now be a good boy and don't scream", he says as he puts one end of the coated handcuffs around me free wrist.

"Oh, wait. You can't even do that", he mocks and then, to my dismay, he puts the other end of the handcuffs around his own wrist.

No... I shake my head at him, my black hair dancing around my face as I do, but all I get from Jeongguk is a smirk. God, I really want to wipe it away from his face and replace it with a big, black bruise.

He reaches out his other arm to get the remote to the tv. He turns it on and flips to a channel that currently shows an episode of 'Korean horror story'.

"Well", he says and turns to me, "this isn't to bad, right? And don't worry, I won't do anything... disgusting to you, I'm not that type of a guy. The handcuffs are just here to prove my point. That you can't escape, neither from this house nor from me. So, this isn't too bad, huh pretty?"

I look him in the eye but I do not reply, unsure of what he wants me to say.

"Answer", he groans and I shake my head as a reply since I can't talk.

"Good", Jeongguk smiles, "because it has just started."

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