제23장 키스 잘하는 사람

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Chapter 23 : DECENT KISSER

Taehyung's POV

“You coming?” Jeongguk asks me, and I shake my head, causing my hair to dance around my face. I’m sitting on the couch in his room, where I also slept since I was, and still am, frustrated and angry that he brought Patricia here yesterday.

It’s about lunchtime, and I already refused eating breakfast and now he is heading of to the kitchen, but I refuse to come with him.

“I change the sentence. You’re coming with me, now.” He storms over to me and takes a firm grip on my upper arm, and a yelp of pain escapes my throat.

“Ouch! Let go of me you idiot!” I fight against his grip but he refuses to release it.

“Don’t use that tone towards me, gorgeous. You’re seriously starting to go on my nerves.”

I dig my nails from my free hand into the one he’s holding me with, and he clench his fist in anger and pain.

“Stop doing that!” he hiss and as I don’t, he suddenly stop dead in his track and turn towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing my against the wall.

“I said don’t”, he whispers threateningly in my ear, his breath panting my neck and raising goosebumps on my skin.

“You’re either coming with my willingly or not, but you can’t escape or disrespect me.”

“A little too late for that now, isn’t it?” I sigh as I try to control my anger. I know I shouldn’t anger him but I just don’t seem to be able to stop. I need to push down my button that will make me stop, but I can’t seem to find it.

“Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous…”, he whispers, “you never seem to learn, do you? You know the punishment-”

“And I don’t care about it anymore”, I cut him off, and he honestly seem to be surprise and I decide to continue.

“I don’t care about if you kiss me, it sure as hell is disgusting but I don’t care anymore because there is no possible way you can make me hate you even more than I already do.”

His eyes turns dark and he clenches his jaw but then he suddenly moistens his lips and I scream no on the inside as I understand what he’s about to do, and I’m right.

Seconds later, he presses his soft lips against mine and I stay completely still but I have to confess something. I lied when I said that I don’t care about him kissing me anymore, I still hate it - extremely much.

Sure, he’s a decent kisser but that doesn’t matter. I still hate him.

He pulls back, his lips separating from mine, and a big smirk forms on his lips.

“You know…”, he says in a sinister tone, “if you really don’t mind about me kissing you, you might as well kiss back.”




“And why would I give you that pleasure?” I ask him. “You won’t even let me see Da-mi, so why would I give you something you want when I don’t get anything in return?”

I expect the smirk to wash off of his face, but it remains.

“Deal”, he says and surprises me. “If you kiss me back, and it gotta be extremely good then, I let you see Da-mi.”

My mind tells me no, or more like screams it, but my lips slowly part and I find myself nodding. Jeongguk sneers and decreases the space between us once again, his hand cups gently around my chin and the other one slips around my waist, and I reluctantly slide my arms around his neck.

His lips connect with mine once again, and this time I respond to his eager kiss.

It’s not nice neither gentle, but harsh and full of lust.

Our lips moves in sync and he presses me even closer to his body, his heat radiating off on me. He somehow makes me nearly lose my balance which causes me to bring my legs around him too, and right now he and the wall is the only thing holding me up.

My legs are around his waist, my hands holding onto his shirt and hair, and he is now supporting me with both of his hands.

His tongue licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance, but I refuse and he groans in displeasure and starts nibble on it instead, increasing the strength in his bite until I finally gasp of pain and gives him a chance to slip in. A chance which he takes, and his tongue explored my whole mouth and plays with mine, and behind closed eyelids my thoughts are begging for it to be over soon. Someone seems to have heard my prayers because a few seconds later, Jeongguk finally pulls away, gasping for air.

I cough loudly to catch his attention, and then gestures for him to place me down. I don’t like the place where his hands are placed to keep my body up, and he puts my down painfully slow.

“Gorgeous”, he breaths, “you’re absolutely amazing.”

I shrug at his words. “Yeah, whatever, remember our deal?”

Jeongguk smirks, placing his arm over my shoulder to keep me close.

“Yes, and I won’t break this one, you’ve deserved it”, he winks at me, “let’s go and meet Da-mi then, but I would want another one of these… make-out sessions when we get back.”

Ha, in his dreams.

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