제31장 공포증

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This chapter contains themes that some readers may find upsetting and/or disturbing due to water-related violence/abuse


It feels like the time slows down as I meet Jeongguk’s gaze. He doesn’t look away and the glimpse in his eyes scares me and in the end, I’m the one who budge.

My eyes trail down his body as I breathe heavily, waiting for his first move.

The veins on his throat and neck are clearly visible and his hands are clenched into fists.

“You shouldn’t have punched me,Tae ”, he says after countless of seconds in silence. I lower my lashes, look down at my feet, and bite my lip.

“I’m sorry…?” I whisper, but it comes out like a question and I glance up at him, starting to twinning my hair between my index- and middle finger.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it this time”, he tells me in an almost as quiet voice as me but the coldness in his tone scares me and as he takes a step towards me, a shiver runs down my spine and I take a step back.

“Then what can I do?” I try to plead without sounding too desperate, but all I get is a headshake.

“Nothing. That’s how much you can do.”

I open my mouth to literally beg him not to hurt me, but the words gets stuck in my throat and I can’t seem to utter them.

That’s what he wants.

He wants me to beg him for mercy, he wants to feel in total control and most important of it all; He want’s to see with his own eyes that he’s broken me.

I can’t let that happen.

When Namjoon hyung left with Bambam and Dami, they slammed the door shut but they didn’t lock it.

If I manage to get through the door I’ll got a minimal chance of getting away, I can already tell for sure that the odds won’t be in my favour but it would postpone my punishment. And probably make it worse too but I got to do this.

I can’t just let him control me like a puppet.

“What will you do to me?” I ask Jeongguk to buy time.

“You’ll see”, he sneers, “but firstly, do you got any phobias?”

My eyes widen slightly as I figure out his plan. Using my phobias against me. That’s just pure evil and heartless. Only a monster would do that and that’s just another proof of Jeongguk’s true nature.

I shake my head at his question.

“No, I don’t. Except for one, and it’s to be stuck with you forever.”

He laugh dryly, the sound escaping his throat sounding more wicked and evil than if it would’ve come from the devil himself.

“Too bad you’re already have to face that fear and you better start enjoying it.”

I pretend to gag at his words, realizing my mistake moments after as I see the anger flashing in his eyes.

“That’s it. You’ve gotten too many chances. I didn’t want it to come to this but the other guys are right. I’ve been too gentle with you but that’s gonna change now with starting from your punishment. If you don’t have any real phobia, I’ll give you one.”

With that, he throws himself at me and I move in the last second and sprint towards the door.

My hand reach the handle and I’m just about to pull it down when I feel Jeongguk taking a hold onto my hips, digging his fingers into the bone and causing me to whimper in pain.

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