26장 약점

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Chapter 26 : WEAKNESS

Long ass chap

I've realized that I failed miserably with making Da-mi feel better, calmer. I've told her everything I know about what's going on with these kidnappings, and I've made it crystal clear about my feelings towards Jeongguk. With other words; I've told her about how much I hate that disgusting, annoying, obnoxious, possessive maniac, and I said it out loud along with a list if curses, in case he could hear is through the door or camera.

Now, da-mi is whispering something in my ear, covering her lips with her hands - making sure no one can't hear or figure out what she's saying.

Her breath almost tickles against my ear, but her words make my eyes go wide and I stare at her with open mouth.

"You serious?" I whisper-yell, not caring about if someone hears, it's not like they know what we're talking about anyways.

But I know, and my heart feels lighter all of a sudden. She told me something that gave me hope, that lit a fire in my heart.

She told me Jimin know about her being kidnapped and Wooshik being a part of the kidnapping in the school. Da-mi just said that she's almost one hundred percent sure that Jimin heard the short conversation she had with Jeongguk right before she got kidnapped, that Jimin heard it through her phone.

We both know for a fact that Jimin never hangs up on a phone call if you've told her you'll be back in a few minutes.

I'm so happy right now, that I can't stop a smile from cracking onto my lips, and right then, a key twist in the door lock and Jeongguk steps in.

"Time's up", he says, "you better say goodbye and..." His words died out as he got his eyes on me, and he then managed to breath out one word, barely above a whisper; "wow..."

I give him a look full of confusion, and then I remember the smile on my face, the smile of pure happiness, and it quickly fade out.

He seems to finally get himself together and find his voice again, and his eyes shows something I haven't seen before.

Could it be... love?

No, I push the thought away, it couldn't be.

"The smile of yours is breathtaking, gorgeous", he says with a smirk, fully recovered from the surprise, "you should wear it more often."

He almost succeeds with ruining my good mood completely, but I hang on to it like if it was my most precious belonging.

"Then give me a reason too", I say in a high pitched tone.

He takes the few steps that's laying between us, and Da-mi instantly pull back.

"I'm working on it", he says and caress my cheek, "but now it's time to get out of here and get something to eat, and maybe tell me the reason to the sudden change of mood?"

I bite my lip, thinking, and then glance at Da-mi.

"What about her? You just gonna leave her here?"

Jeongguk shrugs and his face has gone to completely blank.

"Yeah, why not? Someone will come down and give her food later, she'll be fine."

I give him my best puppy eyes.


"No buts", he cuts me off and takes a gentle but strong grip around my arm. Knowing I can't convince him, I give Da-mi a quick hug and then follow Jeongguk outside. As the door is about to close with her on the inside and me in the outside, I flash her a weak smile, which she returns.

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